AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Brave Flame Skill Slash Physical
Burst Frontier Skill Slash Physical
Evil Flare Skill Slash Physical
Vulcan's Judgment Skill Slash Physical
Flare Burst Skill Slash Physical
Tenacious Blaze Skill Slash Physical
Blazing Charge Skill - -
Jewel Burst Skill Magic Magical
Blood Burst Skill Magic Magical
Attack (VARG2) Attack Slash Physical
Night-Black Blood Line Passive - -
Over Limit Passive - -
Revenge of the Fire God Reaction Slash Physical
Flare Ride+ Skill Slash Physical
Flare Ride Skill Slash Physical
Raging Fire Flamberge 4★ Item - -
Vulcan's Guidance Skill Slash Physical
Flare Drive Skill Slash Physical
Searing Flames Skill Slash Physical
Fiery Assault Skill - -
Jewel Heat Skill Magic Magical
Blood Heat Skill Magic Magical
Attack (VARG1) Attack Slash Physical
Saturn Sprint Reaction - -
Goddess Embrace Skill - -
Blizzard Calamity Skill Slash Physical
Blizzard Impact Skill Slash Physical
Blizzard Impact Skill Slash Physical
Freezing Break Skill Slash Physical
Frost Break Skill Slash Physical
Guardian Passive - -
Stance of the Ice Swordsman+2 Reaction - -
Frozen Orchid Skill Slash Physical
Neptune's Prayer Skill - -
Neptune's Protection Skill - -
Blizzard Strike Skill Slash Physical
Splendid Guard Crush Skill Slash Physical
Burst Blizzard Skill Slash Physical
Splendid Break Skill - Physical
Attack (SELE2) Attack Slash Physical
Guard Up Passive - -
Stance of the Ice Swordsman+1 Reaction - -
Blizzard Pain Skill Slash Physical
Spirit of the Ice Swordsman Skill - -
Water Guardian Skill - -
Ethereal Blade Skill Slash Physical
Iceguard Crush Skill Slash Physical
Iceblade Crush Skill Slash Physical
Iceblade Charge Skill - Physical
Attack (SELE1) Attack Slash Physical