AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Tri-Headwind Reaction Slash Physical
Tri-Headwind Reaction Slash Physical
Searing Windstorm Reaction - -
Sands of 5 Gates Skill Slash Physical
Turbulent Breaker Skill Slash Physical
Tenshoretsu Gust Ruler Skill Slash Physical
Delta Ignite Skill - Physical
Tensho Gust Ruler Skill Slash Physical
Tornado Breaker Skill Slash Physical
Blinding Wind Skill - -
Impenetrable Fog Passive - -
Trance Augur Passive - -
Mystic Hunt Form Skill - -
Engraved Phalanx Armor 5★ Item - -
Beast Slayer Skill Slash Physical
Mythical Beast Rend Skill Slash Physical
Mythical Beast Slash Skill Slash Physical
Mirage Break Skill Slash Physical
Spin Break Skill Slash Physical
Death's Judgment Skill - -
Quintus Shred Skill Slash Physical
Revenge - A Poem of Heartbreak Reaction - -
Quintus Edge Skill Slash Physical
Quintus Razor Skill Slash Physical
Quintus Edge Skill Slash Physical
Feint Passive - -
Perfect Evasion Reaction - -
Triple Edge Skill Slash Physical
Cataclysmic Bomb Strike Skill Slash Physical
Tensho Gust Strike Skill Slash Physical
Engraved Phalanx Armor 4★ Item - -
Fey Skill Slash Physical
Spinslash Skill Slash Physical
Twin Edge Skill Slash Physical
Sharp Edge Skill Slash Physical
Charged Edge Skill - -
Forsake Skill - -
Forsake Skill - -
Sonic Edge Skill Slash Physical
Raging Fire Flamberge 5★ Item - -
Attack (SOL) Attack Slash Physical
Revenge of the Fire Titan Reaction Slash Physical
Dark Flame Bloodline Passive - -
Tenacious Conquering Blaze Skill Slash Physical
Conquering Blaze Charge Skill - -
Infinity Nova Skill Slash Physical
Burst Flare Ride Skill Slash Physical
Pitch-Black Blood Line Passive - -
Overdrive Passive - -
Revenge of the Fire Titan Reaction Slash Physical