AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
楽しかった De チュウ Skill - -
力の共有 Passive - -
力の共有 Passive - -
力の共有 Passive - -
力の共有 Passive - -
力の共有 Passive - -
力の共有 Passive - -
通常攻撃(オーク・ディザスター) Attack Strike Physical
通常攻撃(オーク) Attack Slash Physical
Bite Attack Slash Physical
Whip Strike Attack Strike Physical
Tackle Attack Strike Physical
Normal Attack (Goblin Cat) Attack Slash Physical
パラメータ大幅ダウン Skill - -
バイタリティプレデター Skill Strike Physical
パラメータダウン Skill - -
エナジープレデター Skill Slash Physical
パラメータダウン Skill - -
パラメータダウン Skill - -
Great Sever Skill Slash Physical
パラメータダウン Skill - -
パラメータダウン Skill - -
刺突一掃 Skill Pierce Physical
前方突き Skill Pierce Physical
薙ぎ払い Skill Pierce Physical
一閃突き Skill Pierce Physical
ためる[3ターン物攻5倍] Skill - -
カウンター突き Reaction Pierce Physical
穿心の矢 弐式 Skill Missile Physical
ワイドリジェネ Skill - -
CTアップ Reaction - -
物理バリア Skill - -
魔法バリア Skill - -
Filo Weaken Passive 22F (Wind units) after appearing on Fitoria's map Passive - -
Filo Weaken Passive 22F (Wind units) after appearing on Melty's map Passive - -
Naofumi Weaken Passive 23-25F (Male units) after appearing on Glass' map Passive - -
Naofumi Weaken Passive 23-25F (Male units) after appearing on Raphtalia & Fitoria's map Passive - -
Filo Weaken Cancel Passive (Attributes tripled) Passive - -
Naofumi Weaken Cancel Passive (Attributes tripled) Passive - -
Debuff Res 90% on All Stats except CRIT and LUCK (Glass) Skill - -
Debuff Res 90% on All Stats except CRIT and LUCK (Fitoria) Skill - -
Bird God's Will Passive - -
Naofumi LS Passive - -
Naofumi Weaken Cancel Passive (Attributes tripled) Passive - -
Naofumi Weaken Passive 23-25F (Male units) after appearing on Glass' map Passive - -
Naofumi Weaken Passive 23-25F (Male units) after appearing on Raphtalia & Fitoria's map Passive - -
Thanks for always playing with me! Skill - Physical
Don't mind if I do, squeak! Skill - Physical
BOPバフソル Skill - -
BOPバフネロ Skill - -