AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
A Hundred Blossoms+ Skill Slash Physical
Position Advantage Skill - -
Penetrate Armor Skill - Physical
Mist Slash Skill Slash Physical
Sky Blade Skill Slash Physical
Attack (ZAYI_LORD) Attack Slash Physical
Divine Blade Skill Slash Physical
Divine Saber Skill Slash Physical
Lightning Bolt Skill Slash Magical
Lightning Spark Skill Slash Magical
Shining Flare Skill Slash Magical
Ultimate Flare Skill Slash Magical
Roundhouse Kick Skill Slash Physical
Supernova Skill Slash Physical
Ultimate Nova Skill Slash Physical
Guardian of the Land Skill - -
Knight of Avalon Skill - -
The Light Leading the World Skill - -
Holy Jail Skill Slash Physical
Grand Blast Skill Slash Magical
Oath of Determination Reaction - -
Holy Blade of the White Night Passive - -
Attack (SAROMO_THI) Attack Strike Physical
Backstab Skill Strike Physical
Attack (Blade Swordmaster) Attack Slash Physical
Venom Strike Skill Strike Physical
Charm Strike Skill Strike Physical
Shade Strike Skill Strike Physical
Slumber Strike Skill Strike Physical
Strong Roller Skill Strike Physical
マイスターリカバリー Skill - -
Taunt Skill - -
Quick Action Reaction - -
Attack (LIESBET) Attack Strike Physical
Healing Skill - -
Jewel Gift Skill - -
Great Healing Skill - -
Excellent Healing Skill - -
Jewel Flip Skill - -
Grant Jewels Skill - -
Freeze Over Skill Magic Magical
Auto-Healing Skill - -
Cure Condition Skill - -
Icicle Edge Skill Magic Magical
Magical Charm Reaction - -
Magical Knowledge Passive - -
Witch's Resolve Passive - -
Attack (LIESBET) Attack Strike Physical
Elemental Healing Skill - -
Icicle Ray Skill Magic Magical