AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Harvest Celebration Dance [EX] Skill Magic Magical
Harvest Celebration Dance Skill Magic Magical
Attack (MIK) Attack Strike Physical
Splendid Glow Passive - -
Rising Curtain Reaction - -
Forbidden Games Skill Magic Magical
Sleeping Beauty Skill - -
The Plumber Skill - -
Crime and Punishment Skill Magic Magical
The Grand Illusion Skill - -
Little Women Skill - -
As You Like It Skill - -
Attack (ACT_F) Attack Special Physical
Rider Izayoi Master Bonus Passive - -
Return of Night Fox Reaction Slash Physical
Night Fox Turbulence Skill Slash Physical
Flowing Filth Skill Strike Physical
Mythical Fox's Raging Waves Skill Special Physical
Night Fox Spiral Blade Skill Slash Physical
Normal Attack (Izayoi Caris) Attack - Physical
Fierce Tsubamegaeshi Reaction Slash Physical
Pitch-Black Illumination Skill Slash Physical
Izayoi CC Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Advance and Retreat Reaction Special Physical
New Moon Secret Skill - -
War-Demon Control Skill Slash Physical
Night Fox Heaven's Race Skill Special Physical
Wind God Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Wind Blade Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Tenryu Raden Skill Slash Physical
Blast Rescuer Skill - -
Attack (IZAY_MFEN) Attack Slash Physical
Eye-Busting Tsubamegaeshi Reaction Slash Physical
Tempest Illumination Skill Slash Physical
Starfall Skill Slash Physical
Spirit Breaker Skill Slash Physical
Wing Strike Skill Slash Physical
War-Demon Assault Skill Slash Physical
Vagabond - Flawless Beauty Skill Slash Physical
Vagabond - Mad Blade Skill Slash Physical
Fresh Breeze Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Fresh Breeze Tiger Tremor Skill Slash Physical
Tenryu Ransei Skill Slash Physical
Ferocious Blast Skill - -
Attack (Setsuna CC) Attack Slash Physical
Loving Kunoichi Passive - -
Gate of Wrath Passive - -
Mysterious Power of the Blossom Passive - -
Blood Covenant Passive - -
Blade Seal - Holly Reaction Slash Physical