AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Cyclone Skill Strike Physical
Diamond Magia Skill Missile Magical
Abyss Barrage Skill Missile Magical
Blooming Ice Flower Skill - -
Styria Rain Skill Missile Magical
Acid Mist Skill - -
Quick Fog Reaction Missile Magical
ATK Skills (Mobile Knight) Attack Slash Physical
CRIT Armed Multihit Skill Slash Physical
Accelerated Armed Raid Skill Slash Physical
High-Angle Shot Skill Missile Physical
Armed-Leap Assault Skill Slash Physical
Charged Armed 4-Multihit Attack Skill Slash Physical
Assassination Quad-Assault Skill Slash Physical
Four-Edged Blade Skill Slash Physical
Paralyzing Blade Skill Slash Physical
Absorption Blade Skill Slash Physical
Cross-Halt Blade Skill Slash Physical
Counterattack Poison Slash Reaction Slash Physical
Unlock Limit Passive - -
Reduce Load Passive - -
Attack (Archer) Attack Slash Physical
Twin-Blade Slash Skill Slash Physical
Focused Shot Skill Missile Physical
Trace On Skill Slash Physical
CaladbolgⅡ Skill Missile Physical
New Moon Secret Skill - -
Advance and Retreat Reaction Special Physical
Izayoi CC Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Attack (MAS) Attack Slash Physical
Prepare to Fire+ Skill - -
Barrage Wall Skill Missile Physical
Barrage Wall Skill Missile Physical
Dragon Power Skill Missile Physical
Dragon Power Skill Missile Physical
Buster Cannon Skill Missile Physical
Buster Cannon Skill Missile Physical
Line Guard Skill - -
Dragon Roar Skill - -
Gun Mount Skill Missile Physical
Healing Guard Reaction - -
Shield Mastery Passive - -
Barrage Wall Skill Missile Physical
Dragon Power Skill Missile Physical
Buster Cannon Skill Missile Physical
Gun Mount Skill Missile Physical
Multi-Blade Attack Skill Slash Physical
Double Blossom Skill Slash Physical
Flower Piece Skill Slash Physical
A Hundred Blossoms Skill Slash Physical