AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
TP Up Passive - -
Attack (Sovereign) Attack Strike Physical
Prevent Order Skill - -
Knighthood Skill - -
Ad Nihilo Skill Magic Magical
Attack Order Skill - -
Guard Order Skill - -
Rally Order Skill - -
Protect Order Skill - -
Protect Order+ Skill - -
Corruption: Malicious Lunge Skill Strike Physical
Mist Dance Skill Slash Physical
Fan Dance Skill Slash Physical
Blade Dance Skill Slash Physical
Attack Tango Skill - -
Guard Tango Skill - -
Energy Tango Skill - -
Flame Shot Skill Missile Physical
Refresh Waltz Skill - -
Burst Save Reaction - -
Fan Dance Passive - -
Attack (Gunner Shenmei) Attack Missile Physical
Arm Snipe Skill Missile Physical
Wildshot Skill Missile Physical
Medishot Skill - -
トラップ強化 Passive - -
マナリジェネ Reaction - -
Flash of Red Skill Slash Physical
Golden Bindings Skill Slash Physical
Beaming Flash of Red Skill Slash Physical
Hidden Flame Skill Special Physical
Quickdraw Dawn Reaction Slash Physical
Twin Flash - The Shape of Being Reaction - -
Twin Flash Movement Passive - -
Creto CC Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Royal Veil Passive - -
Cloud Cover Shuriken Skill Missile Physical
Waterfall Seal Skill Special Physical
Storm Seal Skill Special Physical
Electric Seal Skill Special Physical
Summon Python Storm Skill Magic Physical
Engage Skill Slash Physical
Antagonize Skill Strike Physical
Summon Toad Flow Skill Magic Physical
Immobilize Counter Reaction - Physical
Steady Counterattack Reaction - Physical
Transcendence Skill - -
ATK Skills (Diviner) Attack Magic Magical
Clear Refresh Skill - -
Splendid Refresh Skill - -