AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Savior's Force Passive - -
Attack (FFXV_INGI) Attack Slash Physical
Regroup Skill - -
Venom Fang Skill Slash Physical
Venom Fang Skill Slash Physical
Deathblow Skill Strike Physical
Mark Skill Slash Physical
Regenerate Skill - -
Sweep Skill Slash Physical
Lancet Skill Pierce Physical
Spear Throw Skill Pierce Physical
First Aid Reaction - -
Enhanced Venom Fang Passive - -
Attack (FFXV_GLAD) Attack Slash Physical
Royal Guard Skill - -
First Shot Skill Missile Physical
Snapshot Skill - -
Shock Drop Skill Missile Physical
Starshell Skill Missile Physical
Gravisphere Skill Missile Physical
Scintilla Reaction Missile Physical
Journey Scribe Passive - -
Comeback Passive - -
Attack (FFXV_ANAN) Attack Pierce Physical
Dive Attack I Skill Pierce Physical
Dive Attack II Skill Pierce Physical
Dive Attack III Skill Pierce Physical
Dive Attack IV Skill Pierce Physical
Dive Attack I Skill Pierce Physical
Dive Attack II Skill Pierce Physical
Dive Attack III Skill Pierce Physical
Dive Attack IV Skill Pierce Physical
Reverse Roundhouse-Kick Skill Strike Physical
Aero-Charge Thrust Skill Pierce Physical
Frontal Thrust Skill Pierce Physical
High Roundhouse-Kick Skill Strike Physical
Counter Stab Reaction Pierce Physical
Power of the Airborne Division Passive - -
Attack (FFXV_BEHEMOTH) Attack Slash Physical
Tail Strike Skill Strike Physical
Roar Skill - -
Dig Out Skill Strike Physical
Trample Reaction Strike Physical
尻尾攻撃 Skill Strike Physical
咆哮 Skill - -
しゃくりあげ Skill Strike Physical
体力の進呈 Skill - -
踏みつける Reaction Strike Physical
Attack (FFXV_M_CACT) Attack Strike Physical
Needle Meteor Skill Missile Physical