AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Holy Knight's Prayer Skill - -
Guard Stance Skill - -
Shining Shear Skill Slash Physical
Shining Caliber Skill Slash Physical
Muscle Potential Skill - -
Mega-Muscle Bringer Skill Slash Physical
Muscle Bringer Skill Slash Physical
Light Bringer Skill Slash Physical
Flame of the Blue Dragon Skill - -
Shield Crush Skill Slash Physical
Weapon Crush Skill Slash Physical
Clear Stone Skill Missile Physical
Shield Bash Skill - Physical
Attack (GUA) Attack Slash Physical
Guard Up Passive - -
Holy Knight Stance+1 Reaction - -
Brave Heart Skill Slash Physical
Divine Warrior's Prayer Skill - -
High Alert Skill - -
Holy Saber Skill Slash Physical
Guard Crush Skill Slash Physical
Sword Crush Skill Slash Physical
Shield Smash Skill - Physical
Attack (SEI) Attack Slash Physical
Slash Mastery Passive - -
Power Up Passive - -
Stance of the Warrior Reaction - -
Devilish Slash Skill Slash Physical
Fatal Risk Skill - -
Battle Preparation Skill - -
Spell Break Skill Slash Physical
First Aid Skill - -
Rock Toss Skill Missile Physical
Attack (ARM) Attack Slash Physical
Battle Mage Neica CC Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Battle Mage EC Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Battle Mage Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Battle Mage Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Sorcery Pair Passive - -
Shell Charge Passive - -
Reflection Reaction - -
Armored Holy Glyph Skill - -
Armored Magic Glyph Skill - -
Absolute Backup Skill - -
Absolute Defense Skill - -
Water Flash Skill Magic Magical
Drain Dimension Skill Magic Magical
Shine Dimension Skill Magic Magical
Leeward Move Skill Magic Magical
Dark Dimension Skill Magic Magical