AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Shield Bind Skill Slash Physical
Weapon Bind Skill Slash Physical
Shield Shock Skill - Physical
Lucent Slash Skill Slash Physical
Spark Roulette Skill Slash Physical
Lionheart Skill Slash Physical
Holy Knight's Prayer Skill - -
Poised For Battle Skill - -
Dual Rays Skill Slash Physical
Tempest Magia Skill Missile Magical
High Guardian Passive - -
Ibis Soul Skill Slash Physical
Ibis Heart Skill Slash Physical
Clear Quartz Skill Missile Physical
Shield Spike Skill Special Physical
Gear Drive Reaction - -
Gear Breaker Skill Slash Physical
Lumiere Fleurir Skill Slash Physical
Shining Eclipse Skill Slash Physical
Shining Burst Skill Slash Physical
Shining Eclipse Skill Slash Physical
Shining Burst Skill Slash Physical
War Princess's Embrace Skill - -
Bloody Battlefield Seraph Skill - -
Battlefield Seraph Skill - -
Pledge of Protection Passive - -
Impregnable Holy Formation Skill - -
Impregnable Formation Skill - -
Magi-Guardian Passive - -
Rune Break Skill Slash Physical
Fierce Magic-Guard Formation Skill - -
Magic-Guard Formation Skill - -
Strike-Guardian Passive - -
Fistless Skill Slash Physical
Steady Schiltron Skill - -
Steady Formation Skill - -
Lance-Guardian Passive - -
Lance Bender Skill Slash Physical
Wall Circle Skill - -
Wall Formation Skill - -
Sword-Guardian Passive - -
Severed Blade Skill Slash Physical
Solid Diamond Formation Skill - -
Diamond Formation Skill - -
Honor of the Blue Flame Passive - -
Guardian Passive - -
Holy Knight Stance+2 Reaction - -
Holy Knight Stance+2 Reaction - -
Lion Heart Skill Slash Physical
Undead Skill - -