AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Fire Seal Skill - Physical
Water Seal Skill - Physical
Wind Seal Skill - Physical
Thunder Seal Skill - Physical
Utsusemi Skill - -
Smoke Bomb Skill - -
Tranquillizing Blade Skill Slash Physical
Venom Blade Skill Slash Physical
Viper Blade Skill Slash Physical
Shadow Stitch Skill Slash Physical
Golden Bind Skill Slash Physical
Restrained Seal Skill Slash Physical
Poison Fog Reaction - -
Ninja Stealth Passive - -
Reversal Passive - -
Swift Cicada Skill - -
Gadarene Cicada Skill - -
Distant Cicada Skill - -
Rising Cicada Skill - -
Flying Cicada Skill - -
Flowing Cicada Skill - -
Circumfluent Cicada Skill - -
Shieldless Skill - Physical
Cure Delivery Skill - -
Runner's Resolve Passive - -
Illusive Lure-Blade Skill Slash Physical
Sunken Lure-Blade Skill Slash Physical
Sneaky Void Skill Slash Physical
Ninja Leap Passive - -
Shining Diamond Skill Magic Magical
Pitch-Black Bomb Skill - -
Hidden Tiger Technique Reaction - -
Black-Haze Bomb Skill - Physical
Venomous Twin-Blade Skill Slash Physical
Poisonous Twin-Blade Skill Slash Physical
Dragon Blade Skill Slash Physical
Attack (HUN) Attack Missile Physical
Charged Shot Skill Missile Physical
Targeted Shot Skill Missile Physical
Wild Shot Skill Missile Physical
Hunting Arrow Skill Missile Physical
Surefire Shot Skill Missile Physical
Divine Shot Skill Missile Physical
Divine Shot Alternative Skill Missile Physical
Booby Trap Reaction - -
Hawk Eye Passive - -
Focus Passive - -
Attack (RAN) Attack Missile Physical
Punishing Shot Skill Missile Physical
Sniping Shot Skill Missile Physical