AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Arrow Rain Skill Missile Physical
Shackle Hail Skill Missile Physical
Shackle Hail Skill Missile Physical
Serpentine Scowl Skill Missile Physical
Shackle Rain Skill Missile Physical
Garmr Rain Skill Missile Physical
Garmr Rain Skill Missile Physical
Cerberos Rain Skill Missile Physical
Hound Shot Skill Missile Physical
Shadow Jump Passive - -
Falcon Dive Skill Missile Physical
Dark Diamond Skill Magic Magical
Deep Focus Passive - -
Eagle Eye Passive - -
Arrow of Care Skill Missile Physical
Hide Trap Reaction - -
Arrow Hail Skill Missile Physical
Arrow Hail Skill Missile Physical
Arrow Rain Skill Missile Physical
Piercing Bolt Skill Missile Physical
Hunter's Eyes Skill Missile Physical
Scouting Shot Skill Missile Physical
Wide Barrage Skill Missile Physical
Shadow Shot Skill Missile Physical
Sniping Shot Skill Missile Physical
Punishing Shot Skill Missile Physical
Attack (RAN) Attack Missile Physical
Focus Passive - -
Hawk Eye Passive - -
Booby Trap Reaction - -
Divine Shot Alternative Skill Missile Physical
Divine Shot Skill Missile Physical
Surefire Shot Skill Missile Physical
Hunting Arrow Skill Missile Physical
Wild Shot Skill Missile Physical
Targeted Shot Skill Missile Physical
Charged Shot Skill Missile Physical
Attack (HUN) Attack Missile Physical
Dragon Blade Skill Slash Physical
Poisonous Twin-Blade Skill Slash Physical
Venomous Twin-Blade Skill Slash Physical
Black-Haze Bomb Skill - Physical
Hidden Tiger Technique Reaction - -
Pitch-Black Bomb Skill - -
Shining Diamond Skill Magic Magical
Ninja Leap Passive - -
Sneaky Void Skill Slash Physical
Sunken Lure-Blade Skill Slash Physical
Illusive Lure-Blade Skill Slash Physical
Runner's Resolve Passive - -