AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Armageddon Sky Skill Magic Magical
Flaming Kagutsuchi Skill Magic Magical
Vulcan's Barrier+2 Reaction - -
Mystical Fire Passive - -
Anemophobia Skill Slash Physical
Astraphobia Skill Slash Physical
Evil Hell Flower Skill Slash Physical
Ghostly Fire Scythe Skill Slash Physical
Beautiful Dual Rush Skill Slash Physical
Mythical Beast Rend Skill Slash Physical
Beast Slayer Skill Slash Physical
Engraved Phalanx Armor 5★ Item - -
Mystic Hunt Form Skill - -
Trance Augur Passive - -
Impenetrable Fog Passive - -
Blinding Wind Skill - -
Tornado Breaker Skill Slash Physical
Tensho Gust Ruler Skill Slash Physical
Delta Ignite Skill - Physical
Tenshoretsu Gust Ruler Skill Slash Physical
Attack (WOR) Attack Slash Physical
Turbulent Breaker Skill Slash Physical
Sands of 5 Gates Skill Slash Physical
Searing Windstorm Reaction - -
Tri-Headwind Reaction Slash Physical
Tri-Headwind Reaction Slash Physical
Savior's Vengeance Passive - -
Tomahawk Skill Slash Physical
War Cry Skill - -
Blade Cyclone Skill Slash Physical
Battle Roar Skill - -
Battleaxe Stroke Skill Slash Physical
Mobile Style Skill - -
Shade Strike Skill Strike Physical
Advancing Style Skill - -
Jewel Patronage Skill - -
Progressive Style Skill - -
Leap Slash Skill Slash Physical
Muspell Slash Skill Slash Physical
Revenge Crush Skill Slash Physical
Rebellion Crush Skill Slash Physical
Revenge Destruction Skill Slash Physical
Revenge Reaction Slash Physical
Chopping Spirit Passive - -
Battleaxe Stroke Skill Slash Physical
Blue Axe Close Attack Skill - Physical
Delta Kokytos Skill - Physical
Titan Fall Skill Slash Physical
Titan Awakening Passive - -
Battleaxe Stroke Skill Slash Physical