AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Champagne Shot Skill Magic Magical
Dress Change Skill - -
Love Bond Skill Slash Physical
Candle Fire Skill Magic Magical
Marriage Cross Skill - -
Flower Shower Skill - -
Dark Corpse-Shredder 4★ Item - -
Magical Bouquet Toss Skill Magic Magical
Love Catch Skill Magic Magical
Attack (WED_M) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (MEI) Attack Strike Physical
Polish Scythe Passive - -
Raptio Anima Reaction - Magical
Polished Love Passive - -
Flame Flinch Skill Slash Physical
Bet Your Life On Love Skill Slash Physical
Persistent Inferno Skill Slash Physical
Delusional Catastrophe Skill Slash Physical
Clinging Catastrophe Skill Slash Physical
Blade of Severing Darkness Skill Slash Physical
Dark Inferno Skill Slash Physical
Dark Catastrophe Skill Slash Physical
Blade of Severing Light Skill Slash Physical
Holy Inferno Skill Slash Physical
Light Inferno Skill Slash Physical
Light Catastrophe Skill Slash Physical
Thunder Terror Skill Slash Physical
Attack (OTHI_WIZ) Attack Strike Physical
Ghostly Thunder Scythe Skill Slash Physical
Slicing Wail of the Dead Skill - -
Lilapsophobia Skill Slash Physical
Ghostly Storm Scythe Skill Slash Physical
Ghostly Wind Scythe Skill Slash Physical
Piercing Wail of the Dead Skill - -
Ice Ire Skill Slash Physical
Ghostly Ice Scythe Skill Slash Physical
Ghostly Water Scythe Skill Slash Physical
Wicked Karma Skill Slash Physical
Flame Flinch Skill Slash Physical
Ghostly Flame Scythe Skill Slash Physical
Beautiful Dual Rush Skill Slash Physical
Ghostly Fire Scythe Skill Slash Physical
Evil Hell Flower Skill Slash Physical
Astraphobia Skill Slash Physical
Anemophobia Skill Slash Physical
Aquaphobia Skill Slash Physical
Pyrophobia Skill Slash Physical
Inferno Skill Slash Physical
Catastrophe Skill Slash Physical
Evil Flower Skill Slash Physical