AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Thunder Shot Skill Missile Physical
Iceshot Skill Missile Physical
Flame Shot Skill Missile Physical
Ricochet Skill Missile Physical
Medishot Skill - -
Wildshot Skill Missile Physical
Arm Snipe Skill Missile Physical
Attack (Gunner Shenmei) Attack Missile Physical
Fan Dance Passive - -
Burst Save Reaction - -
Refresh Waltz Skill - -
Energy Tango Skill - -
Guard Tango Skill - -
Attack Tango Skill - -
Blade Dance Skill Slash Physical
Fan Dance Skill Slash Physical
Mist Dance Skill Slash Physical
Corruption: Malicious Lunge Skill Strike Physical
Healing Step Skill - -
Attack (Dancer) Attack Slash Physical
Royal Veil Passive - -
Nobility Proof Reaction - -
Protect Order+ Skill - -
Protect Order Skill - -
Rally Order Skill - -
Guard Order Skill - -
Attack Order Skill - -
Ad Nihilo Skill Magic Magical
Knighthood Skill - -
Prevent Order Skill - -
Inspire Skill - -
Attack (Sovereign) Attack Strike Physical
TP Up Passive - -
Safe Stroll Passive - -
En Garde Reaction - -
HP Up Skill - -
Strike Guard Skill - -
DEF Up Skill - -
2-Hit Skill Slash Physical
Shield Smite+ Skill Strike Physical
Shield Smite Skill Strike Physical
Aegis Skill - -
Taunt Skill - -
Cure Skill - -
Attack (Protector) Attack Slash Physical
Pierce Mastery Passive - -
Vital Thrust Passive - -
Counter Stab Reaction Pierce Physical
Penetrate Skill Pierce Physical
Death Mow Skill Pierce Physical