AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Calamity Raid Skill Missile Physical
Neo Weakness Skill - -
Recrudescence Skill - -
Aperience Skill - -
Shell Cycle Skill - -
Seti Cluster Skill Missile Physical
Seti Bullet Skill Missile Physical
Prism Flower Skill Missile Physical
Grace Face Skill - -
Max Charge Passive - -
Heaven's Raid Skill Missile Physical
Spark Flower Skill Missile Physical
Burst Blitz Skill Missile Physical
Clever Charge Passive - -
Physical Charge Passive - -
Pain Control Reaction - -
Quarter Raid Skill Missile Physical
Weakness Skill - -
Double Dip Skill - -
Charity Cycle Skill - -
Light Flower Skill Missile Physical
Rei Flower Skill Missile Physical
Saturation Skill Missile Physical
Burst Force Skill Missile Physical
Entrapment Skill - -
Assist Face Skill - -
Attack (Magic Meister) Attack Missile Physical
TEC Up Passive - -
Gun Mastery Passive - -
Haltshot Reaction Missile Physical
Snipe Skill Missile Physical
Thunder Shot Skill Missile Physical
Iceshot Skill Missile Physical
Flame Shot Skill Missile Physical
Thunder Shot Skill Missile Physical
Iceshot Skill Missile Physical
Flame Shot Skill Missile Physical
Ricochet Skill Missile Physical
Medishot Skill - -
Wildshot Skill Missile Physical
Arm Snipe Skill Missile Physical
Attack (Gunner) Attack Missile Physical
TEC Up Passive - -
Gun Mastery Passive - -
Haltshot Reaction Missile Physical
Snipe Skill Missile Physical
Thunder Shot Skill Missile Physical
Iceshot Skill Missile Physical
Flame Shot Skill Missile Physical
(Freikugel Accessory) 3★ Item - -