AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Shine Strike Skill Strike Physical
Drago Shine Skill Magic Magical
Res Penetrating Paralyze Laser Skill Magic Magical
Drago Glare Skill Magic Magical
Bright Destroy Skill Strike Physical
Snack Time Skill - -
Milim Eye Skill - -
Drago Wave Skill Slash Physical
Dragonoid Ambition Skill - -
Counter Blast Reaction Strike Physical
Playtime Passive - -
Milim Job Master Passive - -
Milim Equipment Item - -
Light of Dawn's Worship Passive - -
Light of Dawn's Worship Passive - -
Drago Buster Skill Magic Physical
Attack (Benimaru) Attack Slash Physical
Oni Fire Slash Skill Slash Physical
Vengeful Monster Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Flaming Slash Skill Slash Physical
Flaming Slash Skill Slash Physical
Crimson Flame Skill Magic Magical
OgreFlame Skill Magic Magical
Loyalty to Allies Skill - -
Blazing Slash Skill Slash Physical
Samurai's Coercion Skill - -
Hero of Wrath Passive - -
Ogre's Scarlet Counter Reaction Slash Physical
Forsaken Expert Passive - -
[Unenlightened] Distance Skill - -
[Time Loop] Digamma Skill - -
[Dark Current] Moment Skill - -
[Deadly Zephyr] Moratorium Skill Magic Magical
[Demon] Bleak Law Skill - -
Spontaneous Combustion Reaction - -
Scattered Thunderbolts Lemniscate Skill Magic Magical
[Retrogression] Cycle Reaction - -
Psychic Flash Attack Magic Magical
[Retrogression] Cycle Reaction - -
Space-Time Manipulator - Finite Time Passive - -
Guidance of an Abstinent Witch Passive - -
Attack (Demonic Sabareta) Attack Strike Physical
PATK Shield Skill - -
Laser Skill Magic Magical
Psychic Flame Skill Magic Magical
Psychic Blizzard Skill Magic Magical
Charm +999 Reaction - -
Psychic Tornado Skill Magic Magical
Psychic Lightning Skill Magic Magical
Psychic Flash Skill Magic Magical