AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Silencing Rain Skill Missile Physical
Flowing Filth Skill Strike Physical
Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Life Predation Reaction - -
Paralyze Res Passive - -
Cancel Temperature Passive - -
Rimuru Slime Job Master 2 Passive - -
Rimuru Slime Equipment 2 Item - -
Attack (Slime) Attack Strike Physical
Shadow Step Skill - -
Steel Thread Skill Slash Physical
Fire Wall Skill - -
Icicle Lance Skill Magic Magical
Treacherous Poison Needle Skill - -
Dark Lightning Flash Skill Magic Magical
Black Lightning Skill Magic Magical
Analysis Skill - -
Body Buff Skill - -
Ruler's Cheer Skill - -
Magic Buffer Reaction - -
Time for a Break Passive - -
Rimuru Slime Job Master 3 Passive - -
Rimuru Slime Equipment 3 Item - -
Attack (Rimuru) Attack Slash Physical
Great Sage's Advice Skill - -
Emotions of True Friendship Passive - -
Ranged Barrier Skill - -
Flare Circle Skill Magic Magical
Taunt Skill - -
Icicle Mute Skill Magic Magical
Icicle Silence Skill Magic Magical
Warp Portal Skill - -
Stop Status Passive Passive - -
Auto-Battle Mode Skill - -
Full Potion Skill - -
Sticky Steel Thread Skill Slash Physical
Perfect Body Reaction - -
Activate Ultraspeed Regeneration Reaction - -
Preparation of Allies Passive - -
Body Armor Passive - -
Rimuru Job Master Passive - -
66 Kills! Skill - -
Rimuru Equipment Item - -
Pure Water's Worship Passive - -
Pure Water's Worship Passive - -
Gluttony Skill Magic Magical
[Normal ATK] Venus Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Milim) Attack Strike Physical
Aerial Blow Skill Strike Physical
Tyrant's Taunt Skill - -