AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Psychic Tornado Skill Magic Magical
Psychic Blizzard Skill Magic Magical
Psychic Flame Skill Magic Magical
Psychic Blizzard Attack Magic Magical
Unheal Blizzard Skill Magic Magical
Psychic Lightning Attack Magic Magical
Physical Laser Skill Special Physical
Laser+ Skill Magic Magical
Laser Skill Magic Magical
Laser Attack Magic Magical
Laser Skill Magic Magical
Laser Skill Magic Magical
Gouge Strike Reaction Strike Physical
Gouge Strike Attack Strike Physical
Strike Attack Strike Physical
Strong Medicine [Auto Heal & greatly raises ATK] Skill - -
Quicken Protection Skill - -
Reverberating Napalm [Strong vs Amorphous: Diamond (5) Height: 10] Reaction Special Physical
Demon Magic DEF Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Demon Jump DEF Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Demon Missile DEF Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Demon Strike DEF Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Demon Pierce DEF Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Demon Slash DEF Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Magic DEF Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Jump DEF Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Missile DEF Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Strike DEF Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Pierce DEF Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Slash DEF Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Magic DEF Up [Permanent] Skill - -
Jump DEF Up [Permanent] Skill - -
Missile DEF Up [Permanent] Skill - -
Strike DEF Up [Permanent] Skill - -
Pierce DEF Up [Permanent] Skill - -
Slash DEF Up [Permanent] Skill - -
MATK Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Jump ATK Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Missile ATK Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Strike ATK Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Pierce ATK Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Slash ATK Down [Permanent] Skill - -
MATK Up [Permanent] Skill - -
Jump ATK Up [Permanent] Skill - -
Missile ATK Up [Permanent] Skill - -
Strike ATK Up [Permanent] Skill - -
Pierce ATK Up [Permanent] Skill - -
Slash ATK Up [Permanent] Skill - -
Dark DEF Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Light DEF Down [Permanent] Skill - -