AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Valkyrie: JLv09 Passive - -
Valkyrie: JLv10 Passive - -
Valkyrie: JLv11 Passive - -
Valor Passive - -
Valorous Slash of the Blue Flame Skill Slash Physical
Vampiric Kiss Skill Magic Magical
Vanekis! Skill - -
Vanguard Armor Item - -
Vanguard Basic ATK Attack Slash Physical
Vanish Skill - -
Vanishing Speed Skill - -
Vanity Break Skill Slash Physical
Varaha Blast Skill Magic Magical
Vargas CC Equipment 1 Item - -
Vargas CC Equipment 2 Item - -
Vargas CC Equipment 3 Item - -
Vargas CC Equipment 4 Item - -
Vargas CC Equipment 5 Item - -
Vargas CC Equipment 6 Item - -
Various Buffs Passive - -
Varuna's Fang [Apsara​] Skill Pierce Physical
Vast Sky Cou Delta Skill Missile Physical
Vast Sky Cou Delta Skill Missile Physical
Vega Necklace Item - -
Veil - Randgnid Reaction - -
Veil - Randgnid Reaction - -
Veil of Deception Item - -
Veil of Determination Item - -
Veil of the Black Lotus Skill - -
Velocity Enchantment Skill - -
Velvet Cape Item - -
Vendetta Skill - -
Vengeance Assault Skill Slash Physical
Vengeance Impact Skill Special Physical
Vengeance Impact Skill Special Physical
Vengeful Aspirations Passive - -
Vengeful Azure Wave Skill Pierce Physical
Vengeful Azure Wave Skill Pierce Physical
Vengeful Beast's Force [MATK Down] Reaction - -
Vengeful Beast's Force [PATK Down] Reaction - -
Vengeful Blade of Greed Skill Slash Physical
Vengeful Bones' Banquet Passive - -
Vengeful Bones' Magic Sword Skill Special Magical
Vengeful Bones' Sword Skill Special Physical
Vengeful Fireball Reaction Magic Magical
Vengeful Liberating Warblade Skill Slash Physical
Vengeful Monster Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Vengeful Valkyrie Figurine Item - -
Vengeful ☆ Squeak Skill Magic Magical
Venom Archer Piece Item - -