AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Dark Thorn Skill Strike Physical
Poison Cluster Skill Strike Physical
Weighting Taint Skill Strike Physical
Seniteika Skill Strike Physical
Flowing Filth Skill Strike Physical
Dark Thorn Skill Strike Physical
Earth Wave Skill Magic Magical
Core Thunder Skill Magic Magical
Antediluvian Atmosphere Skill - -
Coiling Mist Skill Magic Magical
Skyfall Thunder Skill Magic Magical
Thunder Res Down Reaction - -
(Recovery Barrier) Passive - -
(Recovery Barrier) Passive - -
(Jewel Regen) Passive - -
Regeneration Passive - -
Attack (Primeval Dragon Core Wind) Attack Magic Magical
Wind Wave Skill Magic Magical
Core Storm Skill Magic Magical
Antediluvian Atmosphere Skill - -
Coiling Mist Skill Magic Magical
Skyfall Storm Skill Magic Magical
Wind Res Down Reaction - -
(Recovery Barrier) Passive - -
Alternate Countdown Order 1 Skill - -
Jewel Drain Skill Magic Magical
Bone Crush [PATK Down] Skill Missile Physical
Chain Crush [COMBO Down] Skill - -
Chain Crush [COMBO Down] Skill - -
Buff Duration -1 (Cannot be removed) Skill - -
Null Wave+ Skill - -
Dark Sovereign's Overbearance Skill - -
Diablo Jewel Regen Passive - -
Bone Crush [PATK Down] Skill Missile Physical
Hammer Edge Skill Pierce Physical
Stabbing Edge Skill Pierce Physical
Falling Edge Skill Pierce Physical
COMBO -3 Passive - -
COMBO Area -2 Passive - -
[Enemy LS] Raises Evasion Rate by 20% Passive - -
Hammer Edge Skill Pierce Physical
Stabbing Edge Skill Pierce Physical
Falling Edge Skill Pierce Physical
Hell's Counter Reaction Missile Physical
Hell's Counter Reaction Missile Physical
Hell's Howling Reaction Missile Physical
Netherworld's Phantom Medicine Skill - -
Physical Shield [2000HP Cut] Skill - -
Magic Shield [2000HP Cut] Skill - -
Area ATK Res Up Skill - -