AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Prototype Regeneration Passive - -
Winter Holiday Regeneration Passive - -
Prototype Jewels Regeneration Passive - -
Raises MDEF Passive - -
Attack (Uzushiomaru) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Uzushiomaru B) Attack Strike Physical
Dark Res (Enemy LS) Passive - -
High Slap Skill Pierce Physical
Consecutive High Slap Skill Strike Physical
Whirlpool Skill Magic Magical
Eternal Prey Skill - -
Eternal Consummation Skill - -
Eternal Consummation [Permanent] Skill - -
Eternal Consummation [Permanent] Skill - -
(Snowman Attack) Attack - Physical
Helix Skill Magic Magical
Tide Asylum Reaction - -
Big Wave [LUCK Up] Skill Magic Magical
Attack (Lovesickness) Attack Strike Physical
Attack (Lovesickness B) Attack Strike Physical
High Slap Skill Pierce Physical
Consecutive High Slap Skill Strike Physical
Electronic Discharge Skill Magic Magical
Eternal Prey Skill - -
Eternal Consummation Skill - -
Eternal Consummation [Permanent] Skill - -
Eternal Consummation [Permanent] Skill - -
Lightning Flash Skill Magic Magical
Thunderstorm Asylum Reaction - -
Eternal Cumulus Reaction - -
Big Wave [LUCK Up] Skill Magic Magical
All DEF Up for Light Units (Enemy LS 7) Passive - -
Rrraaaaaaaaaahh! Skill - -
Now Love Skill - -
Now Love Now Love Skill - -
Now Love Now Love Now Love Skill - -
Now Love! Skill - -
PATK - PDEF - DEX - CRIT+ (Stackable) Skill - -
Raises Max HP/PATK/PDEF/DEX/CRIT (Stackable) Skill - -
MATK MDEF AGI Luck+ (Stackable) Skill - -
Bribery (Chance to Charm) Skill - -
Gratuity (PATK+) Skill - -
Gratuity (PDEF+) Skill - -
Gratuity (MDEF+) Skill - -
Bisected Tower Skill Slash Physical
Rare Duty Skill Slash Physical
Explosive Breath [+PATK & AGI] Skill - -
Bug Spear α Skill Pierce Physical
Bug Spear β Skill Pierce Physical
Bug Spear γ Skill Pierce Physical