AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
JUMP+1 Passive - -
Attack (ASS) Attack Slash Physical
Poison Edge Skill Slash Physical
Paralyzing Edge Skill Slash Physical
Shade Edge Skill Slash Physical
Sleep Edge Skill Slash Physical
Throwing Knife Skill Slash Physical
Jewel Burglar Skill - Physical
Taunt Skill - -
Charming Edge Skill Slash Physical
Afterimage Skill - -
Deceiving Strike Skill Slash Physical
Assassin's Edge Skill Slash Physical
Slaughter Trap Skill Slash Physical
Shared Prey Skill - -
Medicine Skill - -
Quick Action Reaction - -
Averting Strike Reaction Slash Physical
MOVE+2 Passive - -
JUMP+2 Passive - -
Attack (NIN) Attack Slash Physical
Shuriken Skill Missile Physical
Fire Seal Skill - Physical
Water Seal Skill - Physical
Wind Seal Skill - Physical
Thunder Seal Skill - Physical
Utsusemi Skill - -
Smoke Bomb Skill - -
Tranquillizing Blade Skill Slash Physical
Venom Blade Skill Slash Physical
Viper Blade Skill Slash Physical
Shadow Stitch Skill Slash Physical
Golden Bind Skill Slash Physical
Restrained Seal Skill Slash Physical
Poison Fog Reaction - -
Ninja Stealth Passive - -
Reversal Passive - -
Swift Cicada Skill - -
Gadarene Cicada Skill - -
Distant Cicada Skill - -
Rising Cicada Skill - -
Flying Cicada Skill - -
Flowing Cicada Skill - -
Circumfluent Cicada Skill - -
Shieldless Skill - Physical
Runner's Resolve Passive - -
Illusive Lure-Blade Skill Slash Physical
Sunken Lure-Blade Skill Slash Physical
Sneaky Void Skill Slash Physical
Ninja Leap Passive - -