AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Attack Bind Skill Slash Physical
Attack Card (Weapon) Item - -
Attack Charge Skill - -
Attack Charge Skill - -
Attack Enchantment Skill - -
Attack Enchantment - Fresh Wind Skill - -
Attack Enchantment - Pure Water Skill - -
Attack Enchantment - Raging Fire Skill - -
Attack Enchantment - Thunderer Skill - -
Attack Order Skill - -
Attack Orders Skill - -
Attack Rise Skill - -
Attack Roar Skill - -
Attack Skill (Tiferet) Attack Missile Magical
Attack Tango Skill - -
Attack Vision Gear & Weapon Stats 5★ Item - -
Attack [SP] Attack Pierce Physical
Attack of the Mad Cupid Passive - -
Attack (ZAYI_LORD) Attack Slash Physical
Attack (ZAYI_LORD) Attack Slash Physical
Attacking Lizard Passive - -
Attackl (Elizabeth) Attack Strike Physical
Attire Item - -
Attire Item - -
Atypus Karschi Skill Slash Physical
Augment Magic Skill - -
Augment Mind Skill - -
Aura Blade Skill Slash Magical
Aura Evasion Skill - -
Aura of Perpetual Night Skill - -
Aura of the Imperious Queen Passive - -
Aura of the Imperious Queen Passive - -
Aurora Fracture Skill Slash Physical
Aurora Fracture - Mind's Eye Skill Slash Physical
Aurora Spinning Axe Skill Slash Physical
Aurora Spinning Axe Skill Slash Physical
Aurora Spinning Axe Skill Slash Physical
Aurora Spinning Axe - Mind's Eye Skill Slash Physical
Aurora Spinning Axe - Mind's Eye Skill Slash Physical
Aurora Throwing Axe Skill Slash Physical
Aurora Throwing Axe - Mind's Eye Skill Slash Physical
Aurora Throwing Axe - Mind's Eye Skill Slash Physical
Aurora's Blue Blade Skill Slash Physical
Aurora's Destructive Blue Blade Skill Slash Physical
Aurora's Might Passive - -
Auspicious Sword [Hagoita] 3★ Item - -
Auspicious Sword [Hagoita] 4★ Item - -
Auspicious Sword [Hagoita] 5★ Item - -
Authority on Alchemy Passive - -
Auto Alchemia Barrier Reaction - -