AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
足砕き Skill Strike Physical
高速蹴り Skill Slash Physical
守勢の構え Skill - -
防御 Reaction - -
【鎧】超大型のデバフ耐性+100 Passive - -
【女型】超大型の背面耐性+150 Passive - -
【獣】超大型の全防御+100 Passive - -
暴れる Skill Strike Physical
Armor-Splitting Wings Skill - -
Calamity Sweep Skill Slash Physical
Calamity Slash Skill Slash Physical
Absolute Destruction Skill - Physical
Bloody Fire Skill Magic Magical
Bloody Water Skill Magic Magical
Bloody Lightning Skill Magic Magical
Bloody Blast Skill Magic Magical
Bloody Shine Skill Magic Magical
Bloody Darkness Skill Magic Magical
Time Interrupt Reaction - -
Normal Attack Attack Strike Physical
お前行けよ… Skill - Magical
Howl Skill - -
Howl Passive - -
Unseen Hand's Menace Skill Special Magical
英気の咆哮 Skill - -
霧の飛来 Skill Strike Physical
消滅の霧 Skill Strike Physical
Giant Gargoyle Attack Slash Physical
Blood Oath Skill - -
Absolute Destruction Skill Special Physical
クイックキュアレスト Skill - -
悲しみの咆哮 Skill - -
Boulder Drop Skill - Physical
Death Twirl Skill Strike Physical
Earthquake Skill - Physical
全防+20 Passive - -
回避+500 Passive - -
Fluffy Body Reaction - -
斬撃・打撃以外完全回避 Reaction - -
[Normal ATK] Leviathan Attack Magic Magical
Whirlpool Skill Magic Magical
Big Wave Skill Magic Magical
▼[Light Res] -1-999 for Self (Enemy) Passive - -
Ocean Current Armor Skill - -
Waves of Madness Skill Strike Physical
Spiraling Fall Reaction - -
Ocean Current Operation Reaction - -
Debuff Res on self for three turns (100+ Res after four turns) Skill - -
If HP falls below 50%, All Res (except Strike/Pierce) +1~999 Passive - -
Player's units Debuff turns +1~99 Passive - -