AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Raging Fire's Boon Passive - -
Raging Fire's Boon Passive - -
Raging Fire's Assault Passive - -
Raging Fire's Assault Passive - -
Raging Fire's Art Passive - -
Raging Fire's Art Passive - -
Raging Fire's Art Passive - -
Raging Fire's Art Passive - -
Raging Fire's Art Passive - -
Raging Fire's Art Passive - -
Raging Fire's Art Passive - -
Raging Fire's Art Passive - -
Raging Fire's Art Passive - -
Raging Fire's Art Passive - -
Raging Fire Orb Item - -
Raging Fire Flamberge 5★ Item - -
Raging Fire Flamberge 4★ Item - -
Raging Fire Enchantment Skill - -
Raging Fire Counter Reaction Slash Physical
Raging Fire Counter Reaction Slash Physical
Raging Dromi Skill Magic Magical
Raging Critical Wave Skill Missile Physical
Raging Counter Reaction Strike Physical
Raging Chronos [Dark Style] Skill Slash Physical
Raging Bull's Spirit Passive - -
Raging Bull's Spirit Passive - -
Raging Bull's Grudge Axe Reaction Special Physical
Raging Bull Throwing Axe Reaction Slash Physical
Raging Bull Destruction - Two Skill Slash Physical
Raging Bull Destruction - Three Skill Slash Physical
Raging Bull Destruction - One Skill Slash Physical
Raging Bull Destruction - Four Skill Slash Physical
Raging Bull Destruction - Five Skill Slash Physical
Raging Bull Counter Reaction Slash Physical
Raging Bull Counter Reaction Slash Physical
Ragi-Boo Passive - -
Rage of the Honor Student Passive - -
Rage of Zephyrus Skill Magic Magical
Rage Shield Skill - -
Rage Nightmare (Based on PATK) Skill Magic Physical
Rage Nightmare Skill Magic Magical
Rage Mastery Passive - -
Rage Mastery Passive - -
Rage Inferno Skill Magic Magical
Rage Blast Skill Strike Physical
Rage Reaction - -
Rage Reaction - -
Raffle Drum Skill - -
Radiating Mechanical Dragon - The Four Rulers Skill Missile Magical
Radiate Jewels Skill - -