AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Slow ☆ Close ☆ Squeak Reaction Special Physical
Slow ☆ Close ☆ Squeak Reaction Special Physical
Slow Shot Skill Missile Physical
Slow Pheromone Skill - -
Slow Laser (Strong vs Statuses) Skill Magic Magical
Slow Blow Skill Missile Physical
Slow Skill - -
Slothstein's Wisdom Passive - -
Slothstein's Windbreaker Passive - -
Slothstein's Wind Vane Passive - -
Slothstein's Vitality Passive - -
Slothstein's Vitality Passive - -
Slothstein's Rigidness Passive - -
Slothstein's Rigidness Passive - -
Slothstein's Rigidness Passive - -
Slothstein's Inferno Passive - -
Slothstein's Flameproof Cloak Passive - -
Slothstein's Firepower Passive - -
Slothstein's Expertise Passive - -
Slothstein's Ember Passive - -
Slothstein's Efficiency Passive - -
Slothstein's Dark Essence Passive - -
Slothstein's Abundance Passive - -
Slothstein Water Wall Passive - -
Slothstein High Magic Passive - -
Slothstein - Piercing Bullet Passive - -
Sloth's Trance Passive - -
Sloth's Stance Skill - -
Sloth's Judgment Skill Missile Physical
Sloth's Invitation Skill Magic Magical
Sloth's Interlude Passive - -
Sloth's Heartbeat Passive - -
Sloth's Heartbeat Passive - -
Sloth's Heartbeat Passive - -
Sloth's Hammer Skill Strike Physical
Sloth's Concavity Passive - -
Sloth's Breath Passive - -
Sloth's Boon Passive - -
Sloth's Boon Passive - -
Slippery Floor Passive - -
Slip-Strike Blade Skill Slash Physical
Sling Horn <br> Skill Pierce Physical
Slime Slam Skill Strike Physical
Slime Resistance Reaction - -
Slime Dash Skill Strike Physical
Slightly Different Ratty for the 5th Year Squeak! Skill Magic Magical
Slide Acclimation Skill Magic Magical
Slide Acclimation Skill Magic Magical
Slicing Wail of the Dead Skill - -
Slicing Wail of the Dead Skill - -