AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Snow White Charm Reaction Slash Physical
Snow White Charm Reaction Slash Physical
Snow Transformation Skill - -
Snow Throw Attack Missile Physical
Snow Step Passive - -
Snow Moonflower Skill - -
Snow Magia Passive - -
Snow Location Passive - -
Sniping Shot X Skill Missile Physical
Sniping Shot Skill Missile Physical
Sniping Shot Skill Missile Physical
Sniping Shot Skill Missile Physical
Sniping Shot Skill Missile Physical
Sniping Shot Skill Missile Physical
Sniping Shot Skill Missile Physical
Sniper: JLv11 Passive - -
Sniper: JLv10 Passive - -
Sniper: JLv09 Passive - -
Sniper: JLv08 Passive - -
Sniper: JLv07 Passive - -
Sniper: JLv06 Passive - -
Sniper: JLv05 Passive - -
Sniper: JLv04 Passive - -
Sniper: JLv03 Passive - -
Sniper: JLv02 Passive - -
Sniper: JLv01 Passive - -
Sniper's Momentum Skill - -
Sniper's Momentum Skill - -
Sniper Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Snipe Skill Missile Physical
Snipe Skill Missile Physical
Sneaky Void Skill Slash Physical
Sneak Attack Skill Slash Physical
Snatch Melody Skill - Physical
Snatch Leverage Skill - -
Snatch Leverage Skill - -
Snatch Reaction - -
Snatch Reaction - -
Snapshot Skill - -
Snap Out Of It Skill - -
Snake Bite Skill - Physical
Snack Time Skill - -
Snack Run! Reaction Strike Physical
Snack Run! Reaction Strike Physical
Snack Run! Reaction Strike Physical
Smooth-Talking Informant Skill - -
Smooth Progress Skill - -
Smooth Progress Skill - -
Smooth Defense Atlia Skill - -
Smoky Locust Skill Strike Physical