AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Life Attack Reaction Magic Magical
Energy Rain Skill Slash -
Evil Rain Skill Magic Magical
Adjacent Buff Passive - -
Learning Ability Reaction - -
False Voice Skill Slash -
Chomp Chomp Skill Slash -
Arm Rend Skill Slash -
Leg Rend Skill Slash -
Phantom Sound Skill - -
Hunting Howl Skill - -
High Falling Edge Skill Pierce Physical
Stabbing Edge Skill Pierce Physical
Bone Crush Skill Missile Physical
Mind Crush Skill Missile Magical
Time of Resurrection Reaction Magic Magical
Decimation - Destructive Beam Skill Magic Magical
Psychic Darkness Skill Magic Magical
Psychic Flash Skill Magic Magical
Psychic Lightning Skill Magic Magical
Psychic Tornado Skill Magic Magical
Psychic Blizzard Skill Magic Magical
Psychic Flame Skill Magic Magical
Numaaa! Skill Slash Physical
Fire! Skill Missile Physical
Rest a Bit Skill - -
Shoot Forward! Skill Strike Magical
Shoot to the Right! Skill Strike Magical
Shoot to the Left! Skill Strike Magical
敵用バフ自身アルケミィオーバー属性+1~999 Passive - -
Removal Reaction - -
Destructive Gaze Skill Special Physical
Greatly Raises Alchemic Overload Res Reaction - -
Magic Detonator Reaction Magic Magical
Detonating Laser Skill Magic Magical
Alchemic Crush Res Way Up Reaction - -
Counter Stab (Healing Down) Reaction Pierce Physical
Penetrate (Strong vs Healing Down) Skill Pierce Physical
Death Mow (Strong vs Healing Down) Skill Pierce Physical
Pain Stinger (Strong vs Healing Down) Skill Pierce Physical
Sweep Thrust (Strong vs Healing Down) Skill Pierce Physical
Reflect Magic (Permanent) Skill - -
Null Wave++ Skill - -
Wave Protection Skill - -
Crushing Shot Edge Skill Special Physical
Reflect Magic (Permanent) Skill - -
Wave Protection Skill - -
Flame Crush Skill Magic Magical
Retribution Blade - Absorb Quicken Skill Slash Physical
Soul Sacrifice (Crush) Skill Slash Physical