AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Calamity Slash Skill Slash Physical
Armor-Splitting Wings Skill - -
Gouge (Strong vs Status) Skill Slash Physical
Dark Spores Skill Magic Magical
Light Spores Skill Magic Magical
Thunder Spores Skill Magic Magical
Wind Spores Skill Magic Magical
Ice Spores Skill Magic Magical
Fire Spores Skill Magic Magical
Bad Breath Skill - -
Sowing Seeds Skill - -
Photosynthesis Skill - -
Protection [PDEF x5] Skill - -
Missile ATK Power UP LS (+1-100) Passive - -
Healing Arrow Skill - -
Swift Winds of Recovery Skill - -
Pierce ATK Power Up LS (+1-100) Passive - -
Flashing Spear Skill Pierce Physical
Spear Mastery Skill - -
Foolish Flash Skill Pierce Physical
Absorbing Spear Dance Skill Pierce Physical
Pull Shot Skill Missile Physical
Blazing Meteor Skill Magic Physical
Bug Spear (Strong vs Status) Skill Pierce Physical
Knockback Horn (6 sq) Skill Pierce Physical
Knockback Horn (5 sq) Skill Pierce Physical
Knockback Horn (4 sq) Skill Pierce Physical
Knockback Horn (3 sq) Skill Pierce Physical
Knockback Horn (2 sq) Skill Pierce Physical
Knockback Horn (1 sq) Skill Pierce Physical
Observe Closely! Reaction Pierce Physical
6-Hit Strike! Skill Pierce Physical
Lizard Bringer Skill Pierce Physical
Lizard Tail Skill Pierce Physical
Gargoyle Down Support <br> Passive - -
Gargoyle Down Support <br> Passive - -
Gargoyle Down Support <br> Passive - -
Gargoyle Down Support <br> Passive - -
Gargoyle Down Support <br> Passive - -
Gargoyle Down Support <br> Passive - -
Gargoyle Down Support <br> Passive - -
Gargoyle Down Support <br> Passive - -
Gargoyle Down Support <br> Passive - -
Kick Back Reaction Strike Physical
High Paralyze Slasher Skill Slash Physical
High Venom Slasher Skill Slash Physical
Rough 'n' Bloody Bite <br> Skill Slash Physical
Tackle Skill Strike Physical
Claw Skill Slash Physical
Jewels Regeneration Passive - -