AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Holy Revolution Skill - -
Holy Judgment Reaction - -
Zero Style - Transcendent Reason Skill Pierce Physical
Zero Style - Beyond Reason Skill Pierce Physical
White Lightning Flash Skill Pierce Physical
Straining Thunderspear Skill Pierce Physical
Rending Thunderspear Skill Pierce Physical
PATK Up Technique Skill - -
White Recurrence (Zero Style - Transcendent Reason) Additional - -
White Recurrence (Zero Style - Beyond Reason) Additional - -
White Recurrence (White Lightning Flash) Additional - -
White Recurrence (Straining Thunderspear) Additional - -
White Recurrence (Rending Thunderspear) Additional - -
Zero Style - Transcendent Reason Skill Pierce Physical
Working Curse - Fuels+ Skill Magic Magical
Zero Style - Beyond Reason Skill Pierce Physical
White Lightning Flash Skill Pierce Physical
Straining Thunderspear Skill Pierce Physical
Rending Thunderspear Skill Pierce Physical
Attack (Minerva) Attack Pierce Physical
Twilight's Heartbeat Passive - -
Twilight's Heartbeat Passive - -
シオン固有ジョブジョブマスターボーナス Passive - -
攻撃スキル(シオン) Attack Magic Magical
宿りし言霊 Passive - -
返句“沖つ白波” Reaction - -
影言“最果ての闇” Skill Special Physical
墜句“花誘う嵐” Skill - -
結言“泡沫の夢” Skill - -
葬句“天つ蒼穹” Skill - -
攻句“天つ蒼穹” Skill - -
昇句“清けき月夜” Skill - -
解句“清けき月夜” Skill - -
冥詞“逢魔の刃音” Skill Slash Physical
絶言“茨の万華鏡” Skill Magic Magical
シオン装備品 Item - -
衝風刃 Skill Magic Magical
Fresh Wind's Worship Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Worship Passive - -
ラム装備品(ジュエル減) Item - -
ラム装備品 Item - -
ラムジョブマスター Passive - -
Wide Healing Skill - -
姉の意地 Passive - -
千里眼 Reaction - -
憩いのお茶会 Skill - -
邪気煙 Skill - -
フーラ Skill Magic Magical
鬼迅血 Skill - -
葬襲陣 Skill - -