AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Raging Lava Flow Skill Slash Physical
Explosion Curse - Suspend+ Skill Magic Magical
Blazing Lava Flow Skill Slash Physical
Red Vulcan Skill Slash Physical
Ardent Twinblaze Skill Slash Physical
Ardent Twinflame Skill Slash Physical
Scarlet Surge Skill Slash Physical
Remove Shield Skill - -
Attack (Sulva) Attack Slash Physical
Thunderer's Heartbeat Passive - -
Thunderer's Heartbeat Passive - -
Rachel-only Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Rachel Equipment Item - -
Witch Brave Passive - -
Timing Spring Reaction - -
Thunderous Night Raid Skill Strike Magical
Gundrum Highlight Skill - Physical
Spiritball Strega Skill - -
Lightning Wave Discharge Skill Strike Magical
Falling Thunder Outbreak Skill Strike Magical
Heavy Thunder Outbreak Skill Strike Magical
Atomic Thunder Skill Strike Magical
Magic Jewel Delivery Skill - -
Spiritball Field Skill - -
Attack (Rachel) Attack Strike Magical
Reido's Maintenance Tools (Temp) Item - -
Reido's Boots (Temp) Item - -
Reido's Origami (Temp) Item - -
Reido's Haori (Temp) Item - -
Reido's Attire (Temp) Item - -
Reido's Earrings (Temp) Item - -
Brooding Malblade: Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Darkness Protection Passive - -
Fervor Absorb Reaction - -
Ice Blood Sword Skill Slash Magical
Flame Blood Sword Skill Slash Magical
Thunder Blood Sword Skill Slash Magical
Wind Blood Sword Skill Slash Magical
Dark Sword - Seven Lives Skill Slash Magical
Blade of Nightmares Skill Slash Magical
Blade of Dark Dreams Skill Slash Magical
Blade of Madness Skill Slash Magical
Absorbing Dark Sword Skill Slash Magical
Illuminating Fury Skill - -
Scattered Stone Blade Skill Slash Magical
Frenzied Night Skill - -
Attack (MAH) Attack Slash Magical
Light of Dawn's Heartbeat Passive - -
Light of Dawn's Heartbeat Passive - -
Andechs-only Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -