AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Hero of Wrath Passive - -
Hero Aura Passive - -
Eliza Booster Pills Passive - -
Maximum Bet Passive - -
Schwarzlose Passive - -
Platina Lineage Passive - -
Hawk Talon Passive - -
Atachi's Will Passive - -
Playing With Rocks Passive - -
1-Carat Sparkle Passive - -
Gentleman's Honor Passive - -
Brilliant Dress Passive - -
Cute Is Superior Passive - -
Avenger Reaction Slash Physical
Fatigue Attack Passive - -
Desert Broom Passive - -
Reactive Wall Passive - -
Reactive Armor Reaction - -
Cuteness Is Justice Passive - -
Dark Belief Passive - -
Hard starboard! Passive - -
Fox Day Passive - -
Legendary Pirate's Trace Passive - -
Fragile Happiness Passive - -
Wish to the First Star Passive - -
Blade of Perpetual Night Skill Slash Physical
Brave Invocation Passive - -
Glorious Colosseum Passive - -
Nature's Ensemble Passive - -
Sun's Successor Passive - -
Unfair Love Passive - -
Rose Najam Passive - -
Crisis Mode Passive - -
Stick to Your Guns Passive - -
True Vision Passive - -
Oracular Future Passive - -
Purify Space Passive - -
Steady Arm Passive - -
Divine Shelter Passive - -
Lovely Sisters Passive - -
Thick As Thieves Passive - -
Neica Power Passive - -
Reflection Reaction - -
Electrifying! Passive - -
Rise of the Genius Passive - -
Majestic Return Passive - -
Number One Mecha Lance Passive - -
Heat Control Passive - -
Solitary Demonic Killer Passive - -
High-Elf Dignity Passive - -