AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Light of Dawn's Worship Passive - -
Light of Dawn's Worship Passive - -
Drago Buster Skill Magic Physical
Attack (Benimaru) Attack Slash Physical
Oni Fire Slash Skill Slash Physical
Flaming Slash Skill Slash Physical
Flaming Slash Skill Slash Physical
Crimson Flame Skill Magic Magical
OgreFlame Skill Magic Magical
Loyalty to Allies Skill - -
Blazing Slash Skill Slash Physical
Samurai's Coercion Skill - -
Ogre's Scarlet Counter Reaction Slash Physical
Forsaken Expert Passive - -
Devotion to the Demon Lord Passive - -
Benimaru Job Master Passive - -
Benimaru Equipment Item - -
Raging Fire's Worship Passive - -
Raging Fire's Worship Passive - -
Hellflare Skill Magic Magical
Rimuru Exclusive Gear Stats Item - -
Rimuru Exclusive Gear Stats Item - -
Rimuru Exclusive Gear AS Item - -
Milim Exclusive Gear Stats Item - -
Milim Exclusive Gear Stats Item - -
Benimaru Exclusive Gear Stats Item - -
Benimaru Exclusive Gear Stats Item - -
Benimaru Exclusive Gear AS Item - -
対バジュラ特効 Passive - -
Vengeful Monster Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Thunderer's Heartbeat Passive - -
FMA Trial Field Buff Skill - -
Preemptive Strike Reaction Strike Physical
Shining Cross Skill Slash Physical
Bloody Spear Skill Slash Physical
Shining Cross Skill Slash Physical
Bloody Spear Skill Slash Physical
Alchemia Twin Bullet Skill Missile Physical
Power of Foresight Skill - -
Amazing Grace Skill - -
Blade Striker Skill Slash Physical
Blink of a Dream Skill Magic Physical
Mutual Mistral Skill Missile Physical
Shining Cross Skill Magic Magical
[Blazing Pulse] Purifying Grief Skill Strike Physical
Eternal Blazing Vein Skill Strike Physical
Moon Blade Passive - -
Scarlet Flame Dash Passive - -
Scarlet Flame Charge Passive - -
Sugar Boost Passive - -