AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.
Collect 80 of these to create: Gram & Balmung
Collect 80 of these to create: Grace Lancer
Collect 150 of these to create: Good-Luck Staff [Kumadesu]
Collect 150 of these to create: Golden Mallet
Collect 777 of these to create: Golden Lion Shield
Collect 150 of these to create: Golden Jade Tarot
Collect 777 of these to create: Golden Bell Hair Tie
This item can be used to evolve a piece of 4★ gear in place of that piece of gear's corresponding Gear Shard.
Collect 777 of these to create: Goetia Standard Issue Handgun
Collect 777 of these to create: Godless Warboots
Collect 777 of these to create: Glowing Threads
Collect 80 of these to create: Glory-Bringers
Collect 150 of these to create: Glitter Guard
Collect 777 of these to create: Glass' Sash Ornament
Collect 80 of these to create: Glass' Iron Fan
Collect 777 of these to create: Gladiator's Barrette
Collect 150 of these to create: Giga Blaze Buster
Collect 777 of these to create: Gentle Witch's Ribbon
Collect 777 of these to create: Genesis Warboots
Collect 80 of these to create: Genesis Coalesce Armor
Collect 50 of these to create: Gate of Babylon
Collect 777 of these to create: Gadget Launcher
Collect 777 of these to create: Frozen Snake Sword "Engulf"
Collect 777 of these to create: Frostborn Fox<br>
Collect 777 of these to create: Friendship Bracelet
Collect 777 of these to create: Fragrant Shawl
Collect 777 of these to create: Forest Specter's Holy Robe
Collect 777 of these to create: Foreign Yellow Ryegrass
Collect 777 of these to create: Foreign Red Trifolium
Collect 80 of these to create: Forcas Hell Lance
Collect 80 of these to create: Fluffy Tiger Plush (Max Transmutation: 1)
Collect 150 of these to create: Fluffy Plushie
Collect 777 of these to create: Flower Band of Promise
Collect 777 of these to create: Floral Pauldron
Collect 777 of these to create: Flask of Wishes Shard
Collect 777 of these to create: Flaming Dragon Pawn
Collect 80 of these to create: Flame King's Rudiarius
Collect 80 of these to create: Flame King's Amulet
Collect 777 of these to create: Flame Dragon King's Cloak
Collect 777 of these to create: Fitoria's Necklace
Collect 777 of these to create: Fitoria's Carriage
Collect 80 of these to create: Firearm "Zavijava"
Collect 80 of these to create: Fiery Imperial Sky's Rudiarius
Collect 80 of these to create: Fiery Imperial Sky's Amulet
Collect 80 of these to create: Fierce Azure Bow
Collect 777 of these to create: Festive Spoils
Collect 777 of these to create: Festive Ratty
Collect 150 of these to create: Feng Shui White-Silver Board
Collect 80 of these to create: Feng Shui Red-Brass Board