AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.
Collect 777 of these to create: Lovely Bodice
Collect 777 of these to create: Lord Commander's Notebook
Collect 777 of these to create: Lord Commander Medal
Collect 777 of these to create: Lord Commander Ceremonial Decoration
Collect 777 of these to create: Long Journey's Headpiece (Max Transmutation: 1)
Collect 777 of these to create: Lonely Cigars
Collect 150 of these to create: Lizardman Spear (Max Transmutation: 1)
Collect 777 of these to create: Lion's Spirit Amulet
Collect 777 of these to create: Lion Cub Warboots
Collect 80 of these to create: Lightning Rod
Collect 150 of these to create: Light Metal Rapier
Collect 150 of these to create: Life Cuffs
Collect 150 of these to create: Life Belt
Collect 5 of these to create: Lexida
Collect 80 of these to create: Leveling Hammer
Collect 80 of these to create: Lethal Slinger
Collect 150 of these to create: Lethal Meister
Collect 80 of these to create: Leo Falchion
Collect 150 of these to create: Legion-God Necklace
Collect 80 of these to create: Legendary Shield
Collect 777 of these to create: Lance of Sekhmet (Max Transmutation: 3)
Collect 80 of these to create: Lag Axe [Lisanaut]
Collect 777 of these to create: Kunoichi Communicator
Collect 150 of these to create: Kukulkan Earrings
Collect 80 of these to create: Knight's Gauntlet
Collect 777 of these to create: Knight of Justice's Garb
Collect 777 of these to create: Klima's Armillary Sphere
Collect 150 of these to create: King of Herrings
Collect 80 of these to create: Kinetic Shadow Gauntlet
Collect 150 of these to create: Kinetic Chain Gauntlet
Collect 777 of these to create: Killer Gunlance
Collect 777 of these to create: Keepsake Rifle
Collect 777 of these to create: Keels Saber
Collect 150 of these to create: Kanshou and Bakuya Swords
Collect 777 of these to create: Kairos Sphere
Collect 80 of these to create: Kaiko Samonji
Collect these to create: Jokes of the Fool
Collect 777 of these to create: Jingle Ribbon
Collect 150 of these to create: Jikunai Satsuki
Collect 777 of these to create: Jailing Chains
Collect 777 of these to create: Jade Bracelet
Collect 777 of these to create: Insignia of the Sand Hawks
Collect 777 of these to create: Inherited Shoulder Guard
Collect 777 of these to create: Indigo-Blue Hairclip
Collect 150 of these to create: Indigo Claw
Collect 777 of these to create: Inconspicuous Overcoat
Collect 777 of these to create: Incantation Orb
Collect 777 of these to create: Inact Jaeger