Joker's Dramatic Arrest

Type Equipment
Origin Wratharis
Rarity 5★
Max Level 40
Enhancer Cost 2000
Enhancer EXP 20000
Vision Clear Reward
Limit Break Relief
Memento Group
Basic Information
It wasn't jealousy that I felt. After all, talent should be acknowledged. 'Checkmate. No hard feelings, yeah? It's just business.' The outstretched barrel of the gun glinted in the cold light. Though it was business that I didn't want to be a part of. He was arrested on suspected misuse of alchemy. But I know he hates the misuse of alchemy just as much as I do. He's a damn alchemical genius after all. I didn't know it back then, but he was just trying to make someone happy. (Excerpt from Wilhelm's memoir)
Leader Skill
Joker's Dramatic Arrest
Raises HP by 40%/PATK by 30%/MATK by 30%/Strong vs Wrath by 40%/Strong vs Greed by 20% for the Memento group "Troublemakers"
Target Buff (SelfSide) (CardLsSkill)
Type Min Max
HP +40%
PATK +30%
MATK +30%
Strong vs Wrath +40
Strong vs Greed +20
Memento Group
Type Level 1 Level 30 Level 40
PATK +10 +24 +30
Level PATK
1 +10
2 +10
3 +11
4 +11
5 +12
6 +12
7 +13
8 +13
9 +14
10 +14
11 +15
12 +15
13 +16
14 +16
15 +17
16 +17
17 +18
18 +18
19 +19
20 +19
21 +20
22 +20
23 +21
24 +21
25 +22
26 +22
27 +23
28 +23
29 +24
30 +24
31 +25
32 +25
33 +26
34 +26
35 +27
36 +27
37 +28
38 +28
39 +29
40 +30
Wratharis' Fighting Spirit
Type Level 1 Level 30 Level 40
Reduce PATK Debuff +8 +19 +24
Level Reduce PATK Debuff
1 +8
2 +8
3 +8
4 +9
5 +9
6 +10
7 +10
8 +10
9 +11
10 +11
11 +12
12 +12
13 +12
14 +13
15 +13
16 +14
17 +14
18 +14
19 +15
20 +15
21 +16
22 +16
23 +17
24 +17
25 +17
26 +18
27 +18
28 +19
29 +19
30 +19
31 +20
32 +20
33 +21
34 +21
35 +21
36 +22
37 +22
38 +23
39 +23
40 +24
Limit Break
Reduce PATK Debuff +3 +5 +8 +11 +14
Wratharis' Fighting Spirit
Type Level 1 Level 30 Level 40
Reduce PATK Debuff +8 +19 +24
Level Reduce PATK Debuff
1 +8
2 +8
3 +8
4 +9
5 +9
6 +10
7 +10
8 +10
9 +11
10 +11
11 +12
12 +12
13 +12
14 +13
15 +13
16 +14
17 +14
18 +14
19 +15
20 +15
21 +16
22 +16
23 +17
24 +17
25 +17
26 +18
27 +18
28 +19
29 +19
30 +19
31 +20
32 +20
33 +21
34 +21
35 +21
36 +22
37 +22
38 +23
39 +23
40 +24
Limit Break
Reduce PATK Debuff +3 +5 +8 +11 +14
Combo Bash
Type Level 1 Level 30 Level 40
Charm Res +10 +24 +30
Critical Damage Rate +2 +4 +6
Level Charm Res Critical Damage Rate
1 +10 +2
2 +10 +2
3 +11 +2
4 +11 +2
5 +12 +2
6 +12 +2
7 +13 +2
8 +13 +2
9 +14 +2
10 +14 +2
11 +15 +3
12 +15 +3
13 +16 +3
14 +16 +3
15 +17 +3
16 +17 +3
17 +18 +3
18 +18 +3
19 +19 +3
20 +19 +3
21 +20 +4
22 +20 +4
23 +21 +4
24 +21 +4
25 +22 +4
26 +22 +4
27 +23 +4
28 +23 +4
29 +24 +4
30 +24 +4
31 +25 +5
32 +25 +5
33 +26 +5
34 +26 +5
35 +27 +5
36 +27 +5
37 +28 +5
38 +28 +5
39 +29 +5
40 +30 +6
Limit Break
Charm Res +4 +7 +11 +14 +18
Critical Damage Rate +1 +1 +2 +3 +4
Unit Group (Trigger + Buff)
Top of the World
Type Level 1 Level 30 Level 40
PATK +20 +49 +60
Thunder +3 +7 +10
Initial Jewels +4 +9 +12
Level PATK Thunder Initial Jewels
1 +20 +3 +4
2 +21 +3 +4
3 +22 +3 +4
4 +23 +3 +4
5 +24 +3 +4
6 +25 +3 +5
7 +26 +4 +5
8 +27 +4 +5
9 +28 +4 +5
10 +29 +4 +5
11 +30 +4 +6
12 +31 +4 +6
13 +32 +5 +6
14 +33 +5 +6
15 +34 +5 +6
16 +35 +5 +7
17 +36 +5 +7
18 +37 +5 +7
19 +38 +6 +7
20 +39 +6 +7
21 +40 +6 +8
22 +41 +6 +8
23 +42 +6 +8
24 +43 +6 +8
25 +44 +7 +8
26 +45 +7 +9
27 +46 +7 +9
28 +47 +7 +9
29 +48 +7 +9
30 +49 +7 +9
31 +50 +8 +10
32 +51 +8 +10
33 +52 +8 +10
34 +53 +8 +10
35 +54 +8 +10
36 +55 +8 +11
37 +56 +9 +11
38 +57 +9 +11
39 +58 +9 +11
40 +60 +10 +12
Limit Break
PATK +7 +14 +21 +28 +36
Thunder +1 +2 +3 +4 +6
Initial Jewels +1 +2 +4 +5 +7
Max Limit Break
AGI +10
Unit Group (Trigger + Buff)
Vision Ability
7-hit Thunder Missile ATK on enemy units within target area & chance of critical & inflicts Rage & raises own Critical Dmg before activation [Range: 5, Area: Special (Double Laser), Height Range: 3]
Skill Effect
Combo Damage Rate 15%
Combo Hits 7
Type Min Max
Attack 180%
ATK Scaling
0.75 * (PATK + DEX)
Hide Self Buff
Self Buff
Duration (ActionStart) 3
Type Min Max
Critical Damage Rate +20
Target Condition (EnemySide)
Type Min Max
Rate 100%
Value 100%
Duration (ActionStart) 4
Unit and Job Restriction
7-hit Thunder Missile ATK on enemy units within target area & chance of critical & inflicts Rage & chance to raise own Critical Dmg before activation [Range: 5, Area: Special (Double Laser), Height Range: 3]
Skill Effect
Combo Damage Rate 15%
Combo Hits 7
Type Min Max
Attack 111% 150%
ATK Scaling
0.75 * (PATK + DEX)
Hide Self Buff
Self Buff
Rate 50%
Duration (ActionStart) 3
Type Min Max
Critical Damage Rate +20
Target Condition (NotSelf)
Type Min Max
Rate 100%
Value 100%
Duration (ActionStart) 4
Unit and Job Restriction
Raises AGI after appearing on map.
Hide Target Buff
Target Buff (Self)
Type Min Max
AGI +10
Unit Restriction
Revealed after Limit Reached. Raises AGI after appearing on map.
Unit Restriction