Unsung Heroes

Type Equipment
Origin Wratharis
Rarity 4★
Max Level 35
Enhancer Cost 1600
Enhancer EXP 10000
Vision Clear Reward
Limit Break Relief
Memento Group
Basic Information
The blast of gun-lances roar like fanfare. The holler of soldiers clashing overlaps. The field is like a musical stage. "I guess it's the two of us again. Let's go, Anastasia." Two figures descend upon the battlefield littered with wounded and exhausted men. These two will surely settle the tumultuous clash in a moment. (Thaddius Florio, People of the Battlefield, Dominating Valkyries)
Leader Skill
Unsung Heroes
Raises HP by 30%/PATK by 20%/Strong vs Wrath by 30% for the Memento group "Wratharis Knights"
Hide Target Buff
Target Buff (SelfSide) (CardLsSkill)
Type Min Max
PATK +20%
HP +30%
Strong vs Wrath +30
Type Level 1 Level 25 Level 35
PDEF +7 +16 +20
Level PDEF
1 +7
2 +7
3 +7
4 +8
5 +8
6 +8
7 +9
8 +9
9 +10
10 +10
11 +10
12 +11
13 +11
14 +11
15 +12
16 +12
17 +13
18 +13
19 +13
20 +14
21 +14
22 +14
23 +15
24 +15
25 +16
26 +16
27 +16
28 +17
29 +17
30 +18
31 +18
32 +18
33 +19
34 +19
35 +20
Wratharis Twilight
Type Level 1 Level 25 Level 35
Dark +3 +6 +8
Level Dark
1 +3
2 +3
3 +3
4 +3
5 +3
6 +3
7 +3
8 +3
9 +4
10 +4
11 +4
12 +4
13 +4
14 +4
15 +4
16 +5
17 +5
18 +5
19 +5
20 +5
21 +5
22 +5
23 +6
24 +6
25 +6
26 +6
27 +6
28 +6
29 +6
30 +7
31 +7
32 +7
33 +7
34 +7
35 +8
Limit Break
Dark +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Wratharis Twilight
Type Level 1 Level 25 Level 35
Dark +3 +6 +8
Level Dark
1 +3
2 +3
3 +3
4 +3
5 +3
6 +3
7 +3
8 +3
9 +4
10 +4
11 +4
12 +4
13 +4
14 +4
15 +4
16 +5
17 +5
18 +5
19 +5
20 +5
21 +5
22 +5
23 +6
24 +6
25 +6
26 +6
27 +6
28 +6
29 +6
30 +7
31 +7
32 +7
33 +7
34 +7
35 +8
Limit Break
Dark +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Type Level 1 Level 25 Level 35
HP +100 +241 +300
Level HP
1 +100
2 +105
3 +111
4 +117
5 +123
6 +129
7 +135
8 +141
9 +147
10 +152
11 +158
12 +164
13 +170
14 +176
15 +182
16 +188
17 +194
18 +199
19 +205
20 +211
21 +217
22 +223
23 +229
24 +235
25 +241
26 +247
27 +252
28 +258
29 +264
30 +270
31 +276
32 +282
33 +288
34 +294
35 +300
Limit Break
HP +36 +72 +108 +144 +180
Max Limit Break
Magic Evasion Rate +16
Unit Group (Trigger + Buff)