AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
High Guardian Passive - -
Tempest Magia Skill Missile Magical
Dual Rays Skill Slash Physical
Poised For Battle Skill - -
Holy Knight's Prayer Skill - -
Lionheart Skill Slash Physical
Spark Roulette Skill Slash Physical
Lucent Slash Skill Slash Physical
Shield Shock Skill - Physical
Weapon Bind Skill Slash Physical
Shield Bind Skill Slash Physical
Guard Boost Passive - -
Holy Knight Stance+3 Reaction - -
Guardian Passive - -
Imperial Shield Skill - -
Splendorous Formation Skill - -
Gear Breaker Skill Slash Physical
Thunderous Strike Skill Strike Physical
Leonine Ideal Skill Slash Physical
Shining Crusade Skill Slash Physical
Blood Drain Skill Magic Magical
Shining Heaven Skill Slash Physical
Seti to Kill Skill Special Physical
Shield Impact Skill Special Physical
Radiant Feather Skill - -
Gearing Drive Reaction - -
Flashing Battle-Blade Passive - -
Attack (ANK) Attack Slash Physical
Jewel Drain Skill Magic Magical
Assault Skill - -
Death Bringer Skill Slash Physical
Dark Saber Skill Slash Physical
Reaper's Beckoning Skill Slash Physical
Evil Sword Skill Slash Physical
Blood Sacrifice Skill Slash Physical
Beguiling Black Thorns Skill Slash Physical
Revenger Reaction Slash Physical
Over Limit Passive - -
Night-Black Blood Line Passive - -
Attack (BAA) Attack Slash Physical
Blood Drain Skill Magic Magical
Jewel Drain Skill Magic Magical
Charge Skill - -
Furious Assault Skill - -
Retribution Blade Skill Slash Physical
Vow of Grief Skill - -
Dark Bringer Skill Slash Physical
Hazard Bringer Skill Slash Physical
Dark Bringer Skill Slash Physical
Hazard Bringer Skill Slash Physical