AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Gate of Wrath Passive - -
Alchemia Bombardment Skill Magic Magical
Prodigious Charge Passive - -
Enlightened Presence Passive - -
Resolute Presence Passive - -
Resolute Presence Passive - -
Vanguard Basic ATK Attack Slash Physical
Fiery Challenge Skill Special Physical
Barbed Flames Skill Special Physical
Restraining Slash Skill Slash Physical
Reversal Skill Slash Physical
Resolute Strike Skill Slash Physical
Parry Stance Skill - -
Deflection Stance Skill - -
Armored Stance Skill - -
Furious Slash Skill Slash Physical
Fiery Rebuff Reaction Slash Physical
Martial Prowess Passive - -
Guardian Glaive Stats Item - -
Fiery Roar Skill Slash Physical
Vanguard Armor Item - -
(Asuka)ジョブマスターボーナス Passive - -
【ヴェテル】嫉妬の扉 Passive - -
【ヴェテル】怠惰の扉 Passive - -
【ヴェテル】色欲の扉 Passive - -
[Asuka] Gate of Gluttony Passive - -
[Asuka] Gate of Wrath Passive - -
【ヴェテル】強欲の扉 Passive - -
【ヴェテル】傲慢の扉 Passive - -
Gate of Envy Passive - -
Gate of Gluttony Passive - -
Barrier of Unwavering Loyalty Passive - -
Gate of Wrath Passive - -
Fiery Bulwark Skill Special Physical
Asukaジョブマスターボーナス Passive - -
Violent Minotaur Axe 5★ Item - -
Guardian Robes Item - -
Oni Sash Item - -
Pauldron of a Fiery God Item - -
Crimson Greaves Item - -
Gauntlets of Determination Item - -
Treasured Hairpin Item - -
Cutting Flames Skill Slash Physical
Violent Minotaur Axe AS Item - -
Resolute Cleave Skill Slash Physical
Restraining Inferno Skill Slash Physical
Flames of Adversity Skill Slash Physical
Raging Slash Skill Slash Physical
Blazing Riposte Reaction Slash Physical
Guardian's Resolve Passive - -