AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.
Name | Type | ATK Type | DMG Type |
Vision Thrust+ | Skill | Slash | Physical |
Charge Fant | Skill | Pierce | Physical |
Sylphide | Reaction | - | - |
Rapier Mastery | Passive | - | - |
ATK Skills (H_FEN) | Attack | Slash | Physical |
Dazzling Blade Dance | Skill | Slash | Physical |
Sharp Thrust | Skill | Slash | Physical |
Revenge Thrust | Skill | Pierce | Physical |
Wind Curtain | Skill | - | - |
Divine Gust | Skill | - | - |
Light of Recovery | Skill | - | - |
Uncharted Exploration | Skill | - | - |
One Who Has Not | Reaction | - | - |
Sylph Screen | Passive | - | - |
ATK Skills (FEN_N) | Attack | Slash | Physical |
Disturbing Thrust | Skill | Pierce | Physical |
Chain Boost | Skill | - | - |
Resonance | Skill | Pierce | Physical |
Chain Plus | Skill | Pierce | Physical |
Chain Killer | Skill | Pierce | Physical |
Chain All | Skill | - | - |
Speed Boost | Reaction | - | - |
Rapier Mastery II | Passive | - | - |
ATK Skills (REA) | Attack | Slash | Physical |
Endless Outfit | Skill | - | - |
Numbing Scythe | Skill | Slash | Physical |
Death Judgment | Skill | Slash | Physical |
Cursed Scythe | Skill | Slash | Physical |
Sanity Armament | Skill | - | - |
Feeble Sanity | Skill | Slash | Physical |
Fragile Sanity | Skill | Slash | Physical |
Flash Wave | Reaction | - | - |
Scythe Mastery | Passive | - | - |
ATK Skills (DT_REA) | Attack | Slash | Physical |
Death Scythe | Skill | Slash | Physical |
Black Blade | Skill | Slash | Physical |
Ash Scythe | Skill | Slash | Physical |
Blood Slash | Skill | Slash | Physical |
Utsusemi Clothing | Skill | - | - |
Vicious Scythe | Skill | Slash | Physical |
Scourge Scythe | Skill | Slash | Physical |
にーはおジュエル | Skill | - | - |
Underworld Wave | Reaction | - | - |
Scythe Mastery II | Passive | - | - |
ATK Skills (DK_REA) | Attack | Slash | Physical |
Weakening Sanity | Skill | Slash | Physical |
Dark Wave | Skill | Slash | Physical |
Soul Metastasis | Skill | - | - |
Foam Scythe | Skill | Slash | Physical |
Sanity Barrier | Skill | - | - |