AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
テトラカーン Skill - -
ドルミナー Skill - -
マハムドオン Skill Magic Magical
マハブフダイン Skill Magic Magical
メギドラ Skill - Physical
マハブフダイン Skill Magic Magical
ブフダイン Skill Magic Magical
通常攻撃 Attack Strike Physical
4月の鼓動 Passive - -
Can't Escape Style Passive - -
Lizard's Blessing Passive - -
Lizard Vision Reaction - -
Lizardman State Skill - -
Lizard End Skill Pierce Physical
[Lizard] Blood Skill Pierce Physical
Zone Drive Passive - -
【敵用】JUMP以外可視ステータスダウンを防ぐ【1-999】 Passive - -
【闇】属性の耐性アップ Passive - -
【光】属性の耐性アップ Passive - -
【風】属性の耐性アップ Passive - -
【雷】属性の耐性アップ Passive - -
【水】属性の耐性アップ Passive - -
【火】属性の耐性アップ Passive - -
Ines CC Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Yomi Transformation Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Zenwind Archer Master Bonus Passive - -
ホワイトデーブーケ Item - -
フロストホイッスル Item - -
アルケミィドリンコ Item - -
A Tale of the Sun and the Moon Passive - -
Quiet Torchlight at Noon Passive - -
Hopes for the Pair's Daily Lives Passive - -
Deploy Shield Skill - -
Guarding Stance Skill - -
Light Bringer Skill Slash Physical
Defensive Countermeasures Reaction Special -
Missile ATK Power Up on Turn Start Passive - -
Deploy Shield Skill - -
Falling Edge Skill Pierce Physical
Sealing Blow Skill Missile Physical
Bone Crush Skill Missile Physical
Diablo PDEF Up Support Passive - -
Diablo PDEF Up Support Passive - -
Cure Status Skill - -
Cure Skill - -
Remove Alchemic Crush Skill - -
Smashing Fist Skill Missile Physical
Crushing Stomp Skill Missile Physical
Slice 'n' Dice Skill Slash Physical
Area ATK Res Up Passive - -