AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Steady Counterattack Reaction - Physical
Flying Ape Passive - -
Hurricane Passive - -
Flowing Circle Skill - Physical
Tempest Skill Slash Physical
Summon Great Toad Torrent Skill Magic Physical
Mysterious Usurpation Skill - Physical
Divine Usurpation Skill - Physical
Circle of Life and Death Skill - Physical
Thunderous Shadow Skill Slash Physical
Lightning Shadow Skill Slash Physical
Golden Bindings Skill Slash Physical
Lightning Shuriken Skill Missile Physical
Splitting Electric Seal Skill Special Physical
Hazy Mist Skill - -
Summon Python Storm Skill Magic Physical
Summon Toad Tide Skill Magic Physical
Summon Toad Tide Skill Magic Physical
Summon Great Toad Turbulence Skill Magic Physical
Summon Great Toad Turbulence Skill Magic Physical
Enforced Seal Skill - -
Enforced Seal Skill - -
Cleaving Waterfall Seal Skill Special Physical
Hazy Mist Skill - -
Summon Python Cyclone Skill Magic Physical
Summon Python Cyclone Skill Magic Physical
Summon Python Windstorm Skill Magic Physical
Summon Python Windstorm Skill Magic Physical
Summon Toad Flow Skill Magic Physical
Dawnhammer Skill Slash Physical
Enforced Seal Skill - -
Enforced Seal Skill - -
Rending Storm Seal Skill Special Physical
Golden Bindings Skill Slash Physical
Hazy Mist Skill - -
Cloud Cover Shuriken Skill Missile Physical
Shadow Step Passive - -
Attack (Creto) Attack Slash Physical
Twin Flash Haze Skill - -
Hazy Mist Skill - -
Circle at Dusk Skill Slash Physical
Pioneering Team Skill - -
Dual Blade - Twin Flames Skill Slash Physical
Flash of Red Skill Slash Physical
Beaming Flash of Red Skill Slash Physical
Hidden Flame Skill Special Physical
Quickdraw Dawn Reaction Slash Physical
Twin Flash - The Shape of Being Reaction - -
Twin Flash Movement Passive - -
Creto CC Job Master Bonus Passive - -