AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Magical Mini Craft Passive - -
Attack (Prinny God) Attack Slash Physical
Prinny Barrage Skill Slash Physical
Prinny Bomb Skill Slash Physical
Prinny Raid Skill Slash Physical
Prinny Raid Skill Slash Physical
Pringer Beam Skill Slash Physical
1 HL Skill - -
Cross Formation Skill - -
Prinny Marching Song Skill - -
Taste of Victory Reaction - -
Focused Bomb Passive - -
Paralysis Prevention Passive - -
Attack (Netherworld Thief) Attack Missile Physical
Victory Bullet Skill Missile Physical
Evade Danger Skill - -
Two-Handed Draw Skill Missile Physical
Create Barrel Skill Missile Physical
Create Barrel Skill Missile Physical
Tri-Burst Skill Missile Physical
Heart Steal A Skill - -
Heart Steal D Skill - -
Dodge Mastery Reaction - -
Thief Skills Passive - -
Bomb Trainer Passive - -
Attack (Netherworld Samurai) Attack Slash Physical
Comedy to the Shin Skill Slash Physical
Euthanasia Skill Slash Physical
Bastion Reaction - -
Summer Rain Slash Skill Slash Physical
Neodimension Slash Skill Slash Physical
Excavation Skill Slash Physical
Duelist Skill - -
Rising Heavens Skill Slash Physical
Head-to-Head Reaction - -
Bushido Passive - -
To The Death Passive - -
Attack (Succubus) Attack - -
Hip Attack Skill Magic Magical
Evil Healing Skill - -
Dazzling Stage Skill Magic Magical
Dazzling Stage Skill Magic Magical
Twin Attribute Skill Magic Magical
夜魔ツインアトリビュート Skill Magic Magical
Raging Dromi Skill Magic Magical
Thunderbolt Skill Magic Magical
Sexy Aura Skill - -
Bones Out Reaction - -
Temptation Passive - -
Punishing Punisher Passive - -