AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Territory Creation Skill - -
Magic Bind Skill - -
Handmade Doll of Tsukuyomi 3★ Item - -
Witch of Betrayal Reaction Magic Magical
High-Speed Divine Words Passive - -
Attack (Berserker) Attack Strike Physical
Beat Up Skill Strike Physical
Swing Down Skill Strike Physical
Roar Skill - -
Mow Down Skill Strike Physical
Spinal Reflex Reaction - -
God Hand: Twelve Labors Passive - -
Valor Passive - -
Attack (Rider) Attack Pierce Physical
Penetration Skill Pierce Physical
Roundhouse Kick Skill Strike Physical
Leap Toss Skill Pierce Physical
Blood Temple Skill Magic Magical
Darkness Temple Skill Magic Magical
Bondage Skill - -
Toss Skill Pierce Physical
Mystic Eyes Reaction - -
Bellerophon: Bridle of Chivalry Passive - -
Attack (Lancer) Attack Pierce Physical
Pierce Enhancement Skill - -
Serial Thrust Skill Pierce Physical
Spiked Death Spear Skill Pierce Physical
Soaring Death Spear Skill Pierce Physical
Lightning Speed Skill - -
Death Mow Skill Pierce Physical
Attack (Primeval Dragon Core Earth) Attack Magic Magical
Leaping Thrust Skill Jump Physical
Divine Arrow-Guard Reaction - -
Battle Continuation Passive - -
Attack (Spellcaster / Rin Tohsaka) Attack Missile Physical
Single Fionn Strike Skill Magic Magical
Deceptive Blackness Skill - -
Serial Gandr Strike Skill Magic Magical
Black-Flame Missile Skill Magic Magical
Piercer Skill Missile Physical
Sweeping Kick Skill Strike Physical
Palm Strike Skill Strike Physical
Solid Legs Skill - -
Sieben Reaction - -
Red Devil Passive - -
Attack (Spellcaster/Illya) Attack Missile Physical
Degen Skill Magic Magical
Zelle Skill Magic Magical
Photon-Fire Radiation Skill Magic Magical
Handmade Doll of Tsukuyomi 4★ Item - -