AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Forest Sylph Passive - -
Guardian of the Land Passive - -
Demonic Spearman Passive - -
Master Craftsman's Successor Passive - -
Nimble Edge Passive - -
Taciturn Spy Passive - -
Second Generation Night Fox Passive - -
Uncanny Blademaster Passive - -
Shiba Senko Descendant Passive - -
Lesser King of the Sea God Passive - -
Hero of the Shore Passive - -
Unpredictable Spy Passive - -
Hourglass Fortune-Teller Passive - -
The Invincible Princess Knight Passive - -
Daydreaming Bride Passive - -
Prince's Knight Passive - -
Gate of Wrath Passive - -
Clock Tower Sentinel Passive - -
Lost Assassin Passive - -
Lost Assassin Passive - -
Genie of the Lamp Passive - -
Lazy Genius Passive - -
Charm Gambler Passive - -
Magical Lady Passive - -
Vivid Inspiration Passive - -
Extraordinary Shut-In Passive - -
Lovely Teacher Passive - -
Seal of Alstroemeria Passive - -
I am a Mage Technician! Passive - -
Sincere Samurai Passive - -
Raises MDEF +1-999% Passive - -
Gate of Wrath Passive - -
Masked Smile Passive - -
Vessel of the Discarnate Power Passive - -
One Eye on the Sun Passive - -
Gate of Wrath Passive - -
Tag, You're It! Passive - -
Gate of Wrath Passive - -
Marvelous Calligrapher Passive - -
Cunning Little Fox Passive - -
Sleeping Ice Princess Passive - -
[Unused: City] Dancer Passive - -
Rage of the Honor Student Passive - -
Sugar Charge Passive - -
Sosenko Successor Passive - -
Hero of the Colosseum Passive - -
My Hidden Potential Passive - -
Alchemia Rider Passive - -
Flower Overload Passive - -
Heartless Inquisitor Passive - -