AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Ais-only Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Ais Equipment Item - -
War Princess' Morale Passive - -
Thousand Arrows Skill Missile Physical
War Princess' Gusto Reaction - -
Power Stance Skill - -
Whirlwind Heel Skill Strike Physical
Moment of Rest Skill - -
Quartet Blaster Additional Slash Physical
Breeze Blade Additional Slash Physical
Quick Squall Additional Slash Physical
Nonette Gale Skill Slash Physical
Nonette Gale Skill Slash Physical
Nonette Wind Skill Slash Physical
Nonette Wind Skill Slash Physical
Fall Wind Edge Skill Slash Physical
Fall Wind Edge Skill Slash Physical
Linked Wind Skill Slash Physical
Linked Wind Skill Slash Physical
Ariel Skill - -
Ariel Skill - -
Attack (Ais) Attack Slash Physical
Raging Fire's Trance Passive - -
Raging Fire's Trance Passive - -
Goddess of the Hearth Job Master Passive - -
Hestia's Clothing Item - -
Solemnity Above Passive - -
The God's Will Passive - -
The Goddess of the Hearth's Power Passive - -
I'll make sure you win! Passive - -
The God's Declaration of War Reaction - -
The God's Dignity Reaction - -
Protection for the Party Skill - -
Party Support Skill - -
Jagamaru-kun Energy Skill - -
Status Update Skill - -
Jealous Intimidation Skill - -
Goddess Seal Skill - -
Sign of the Goddess Skill - -
Goddess' Grace Skill - -
Attack (Hestia) Attack Special Physical
Realis Phrase Passive - -
Realis Phrase Passive - -
Captain's Enthusiasm Passive - -
Adventurer's Spirit Passive - -
Bell Cranel-only Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Bell Cranel Equipment Item - -
Raging Fire's Heartbeat Passive - -
Raging Fire's Heartbeat Passive - -
Prepare to Flee Passive - -