AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Lightning Wave Discharge Skill Strike Magical
Glacial Wellspring Passive - -
Gundrum Highlight Skill - Physical
Memento Buff Passive - -
Massively raises Missile/Pierce/Strike Res Passive - -
Massively raises Mag/Slash/JUMP Res Passive - -
Raises all Elemental Res except Dark Passive - -
Howl Reaction - -
Godly Charge Up Skill - -
Godly Wipeout Skill Slash Physical
Godly Stab Skill Slash Physical
Dark Charge Skill - -
Dark Destroyer Skill Slash Physical
Dark Charge Skill - -
Dark Destroyer Skill Slash Physical
As our numbers grow fewer… Skill Slash Physical
Your end draws nearer! Skill Slash Physical
When the last of us die… Skill Slash Physical
Your units shall cry… Skill Slash Physical
Death is your immediate future! Skill Slash Physical
PDEF + Thunder Resist Down Skill - -
Petite Laser Skill Magic Magical
Bind Skill Magic Magical
ブリザード Skill Magic Magical
ブラスト Skill Magic Magical
Improvised Flashbang Skill Magic Magical
Easter Terror Elusiveness Skill - -
Roxanne's Guns Item - -
Splash Protector Item - -
Sweet Revelation Item - -
Tai Chi Attack - -
Household Guardian Item - -
You're the Real One! Skill Missile Physical
Explosive Assets Skill - Physical
Volkite Grenade Skill - -
Come Closer, I Don't Bite Skill - -
Will You Be Mine? Skill - -
A Betrothed's Resolution Skill - -
Get Educated! Skill - -
Channel Alchemia Skill - -
April Fools! Reaction - -
I knew I could count on you! Reaction - -
Attack (GL_DIV) Attack Strike Physical
Gift of Might Skill - -
Gift of Focus Skill - -
Divine Light Skill Magic Magical
Divine Missiles Skill Magic Magical
Gift of Protection Skill - -
Gift of Power Skill - -
Divine Ray Skill Magic Magical