AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Gate of Gluttony Passive - -
Gate of Envy Passive - -
[Shion] Gate of Pride Passive - -
[Shion] Gate of Greed Passive - -
[Shion] Gate of Wrath Passive - -
[Shion] Gate of Gluttony Passive - -
[Shion] Gate of Lust Passive - -
[Shion] Gate of Sloth Passive - -
[Shion] Gate of Envy Passive - -
Judgment Master Bonus Passive - -
Compact Umbrella Item - -
Building Momentum Passive - -
Ornamental Hairpin Item - -
Lightweight Geta Item - -
Akatsuki's Scabbard Item - -
Complementary Obi Item - -
Elaborate Kimono Item - -
Transcended Bladework Passive - -
Enthralling Deflection Reaction Slash Physical
Tempest Slash Skill Slash Physical
Gale Shear Skill Slash Physical
Heartbreaking Evisceration Skill Slash Physical
Deep and Dreamless Purgatory Skill Slash Physical
Zephyr Slash Skill Slash Physical
Execution Stance Skill - -
Intriguing Presence Passive - -
Emissary Master Bonus Passive - -
Ornate Kimono Item - -
Peerless Bladework Passive - -
Skillful Counter Reaction Slash Physical
Captivating Visage Skill Slash Physical
Gale Slash Skill Slash Physical
Blade Fang Skill Slash Physical
Blade Flash Skill Slash Physical
Deep and Dreamless Slumber Skill Slash Physical
Cutting Wind Skill Slash Physical
Fleeting Beauty Skill Slash Physical
Sword Stance Skill - -
Fatal Devotion Skill - -
Attack (GL_KTN) Attack Slash Physical
Sylphide Blast Skill Slash Magical
Devastating Battle Trance Skill Strike Physical
Relentless Bladestorm Skill Slash Physical
Divine Strength Passive - -
Gate of Wrath Passive - -
Gate of Gluttony Passive - -
Gate of Envy Passive - -
[Siegfried] Gate of Pride Passive - -
[Siegfried] Gate of Greed Passive - -
[Siegfried] Gate of Wrath Passive - -