AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Noble Dynast's Girdle Item - -
Scabbard of the Testament Blade Item - -
Noble Dynast's Combat Headpiece Item - -
Noble Robe Item - -
Noble Dynast Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Abyssal Gloom Passive - -
Soul Devouring Blade Skill Slash Physical
Umbra of the Abyss Skill - -
Chains of the Void Skill - -
Abyssal Rift Skill - -
Acheron Skill Slash Physical
Umbral Malediction Skill Magic Magical
Abyssal Blades of Interdiction Skill Slash Physical
Death Edict Skill Slash Physical
Noble Regalia Item - -
(Scion) Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Abyssal Power Passive - -
Blessings of the Abyss Passive - -
Abyssal Counter Reaction Slash Physical
Shadow of the Abyss Skill - -
Abyssal Chains Skill - -
Abyssal Rift Skill - -
Abyssal Slash Skill Slash Physical
Dark Malediction Skill Magic Magical
Blades of Interdiction Skill Slash Physical
Fading Malice Skill Slash Physical
Devouring Fang Skill Magic Magical
Dark Edict Skill Slash Physical
Scion Basic Attack Attack Slash Physical
Noble Presence Passive - -
Noble Presence Passive - -
Blazing Fury Skill Slash Physical
Blazing Fury Skill Slash Physical
Fiery Roar Skill Slash Physical
Enhances "Fiery Roar" when Guardian Glaive is equipped Passive - -
Indomitable Edge Passive - -
Regal Oni Seal Item - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Relentless Stand Passive - -
Irreplaceable Kin Passive - -
Wadatsumi's Stoic Guard Passive - -
Memento Buff Passive - -
Ascended Guardian Passive - -
Mira Equipment Item - -
Guardian's Resolve Passive - -
Blazing Riposte Reaction Slash Physical
Raging Slash Skill Slash Physical
Flames of Adversity Skill Slash Physical
Restraining Inferno Skill Slash Physical